Corresponding Organizer:
Alfio Quarteroni
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Prof. Charbel Farhat
(Stanford University)
Corresponding Organizer:
Hector Gomez
(Purdue University)
Chaired by:
Mr. Hector Gomez
(Purdue University)
Droplets on soft substrates and membranes - Numerical simulation of soft wetting
S. Aland , D. Mokbel , M. Mokbel -
Effect of Aeration on the Impact of a Liquid Surface with an Obstacle
H. Hamdani , J. Réveillon , B. Duret , F. Demoulin -
Condensation of a Sessile Droplet on a Surface with a Wettability Gradient
V. Cardoso Cunha , C. Dorao , M. Fernandino -
Coupled LBM-DEM model for gas-liquid-solid interaction problems
L. Fei , D. Derome , J. Carmeliet
Corresponding Organizer:
Fabian Key
(TU Wien)
Chaired by:
Dr. Fabian Key
(TU Wien)
IgaNets: Physics-Informed Machine Learning Embedded Into Isogeometric Analysis
M. Möller -
State of the Art and Perspectives for Reduced Order Modelling in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Industry, Medicine, and Environmental Sciences
G. Rozza -
Full and Reduced Evolve-Filter-Relax regularization in feedback control for convection-dominated Navier-Stokes equations
M. Strazzullo , M. Girfoglio , F. Ballarin , T. Iliescu , G. Rozza -
Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier–Stokes equations
F. Pichi , M. Strazzullo , F. Ballarin , G. Rozza -
Towards sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification in PEM water electrolyzers
V. Karyofylli , A. Bauer , R. Eichel
Corresponding Organizer:
Rajeev Jaiman
(University of British Columbia Vancouver)
Chaired by:
Prof. Rajeev Jaiman
(University of British Columbia Vancouver)
The Force Partitioning Method - A Data-Enabled Method for Dissecting Vortex Dominated Flows and Fluid-Structure Interaction
R. Mittal , J. Seo , U. Ismail , K. Menon -
CNNs and autoencoders for surrogate models of a rocket engine injector from Large Eddy Simulations
J. Zapata Usandivaras , A. Urbano , M. Bauerheim , B. Cuenot -
Efficient Genetic Programming for data-driven RANS model discovery
R. Dwight , R. Tian
Corresponding Organizer:
Lourenco Beirao da Veiga
(Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Chaired by:
Mr. Lourenco Beirao da Veiga
(Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Avoiding the Stabilization Term in the Virtual Element Method
A. Russo -
Vorticity-stabilized virtual elements for the Oseen equation
L. Beirão da Veiga , F. Dassi , G. Vacca -
C-VEM: a Library for Virtual Element Methods
D. Prada -
A Fully Discrete Stokes Complex
M. Hanot -
A pressure-robust HHO method for the solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on general meshes
D. Castanon Quiroz , D. Di Pietro -
Machine Learning-enhanced refinement strategies for polygonal and polyhedral grids with applications to Virtual Elements and Discontinuous Galerkin methods
P. Antonietti , F. Dassi , E. Manuzzi
Corresponding Organizer:
François Vilar
(IMAG, Université de Montpellier)
Chaired by:
Dr. François Vilar
(IMAG, Université de Montpellier)
A colocalized scheme for three-temperature grey diffusion radiation hydrodynamics.
R. Chauvin , S. GUISSET , B. Manach-Perennou -
Dissipation-based WENO Stabilization of High-order Continuous Galerkin Approximations to Scalar Conservation Laws
D. Kuzmin , J. Vedral -
A posteriori local subcell correction of DG schemes through Finite Volume reformulation on unstructured grids
F. Vilar -
Automatic Dissipation/Dispersion Control for High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes using Unstructured Meshes for Turbulent Flows
P. Tsoutsanis , D. Yuan , X. Nogueira -
Tip-vortex interaction on Shrouded Wind-Turbines
P. Silva , P. Tsoutsanis$ , K. Jenkins
Corresponding Organizer:
Rene Steijl
(University of Glasgow)
Chaired by:
Dr. Rene Steijl
(University of Glasgow)
Introduction to Quantum Computing
R. Steijl -
Analysis of Quantum Algorithms for Solving Differential Equations with Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics
C. Williams , O. Kyriienko , V. Elfving -
Taking the Pulse of Quantum Computers for Computational Fluid Dynamics: Pulse-level Variational Quantum Linear Solver
D. Meirom , S. Frankel -
Computational Fluid Dynamics via Quantum Machine Learning approaches
A. Gentile , A. Ghosh , E. Philip , O. Kyriienko , V. Elfving -
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Reservoir Computing for thermally driven Rayleigh-Bérnard Flows
P. Pfeffer , F. Heyder , J. Schumacher
Corresponding Organizer:
Allan Peter Engsig-Karup
(Technical University of Denmark)
Chaired by:
Prof. Allan Peter Engsig-Karup
(Technical University of Denmark)
Development of a hyperbolic dispersive model for coastal waves - Implementation in TOLOSA
A. Duran , R. Baraille , F. Couderc , Y. Hung , M. Kazakova , G. Richard , J. Vila -
Exploration of recursive skeletonization for accelerating nonlinear potential flow wave propagation
J. Harris -
MPM for fluid-structure interaction in flow hazards events
A. Larese , L. Moreno , V. Singer , K. Sautter , R. Wuechner -
Numerical study of the Serre-Green-Naghdi equations and a fully dispersive counterpart
V. Duchene , S. Gavrilyuk , C. Klein -
On the "projection" structure of the Green-Naghdi equations
Corresponding Organizer:
David Noble
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. David Noble
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Dr. Rekha Rao
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Numerical study of strand deposition using a boundary-conforming approach
F. Gonzalez , S. Elgeti , M. Behr -
Modeling Direct Ink Write Using Finite Elements and cThruAMR
A. Kucala , R. Rao , J. Kopatz , A. Grillet -
Combining a level-set method and a stabilized P1/P1 formulation for coupling transient Stokes-Darcy flows: application to particle deposition growth in suspension filtration
A. Badia , N. Moulin , R. Ferrier , C. Descamps , S. Drapier -
High-fidelity modeling of keyhole dynamics during laser melting of metals using interface-conformal meshes
T. Allen , J. Fraser , S. Lin , M. Martinez , D. Moser , B. Simonds -
Droplet Impact onto Smooth and Porous Solid Surfaces: Combined Experimental Measurements and Multi-physics/Machine Learning Modeling
V. Yurkiv , R. Granda , A. Yarin , F. Mashayek
Corresponding Organizer:
Johan Hoffman
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Chaired by:
Mr. Johan Hoffman
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
An embedded method for fluid-structure interaction based on the L2 - projection between non conforming overlapping meshes
M. Nestola , P. Zulian , R. Krause -
A Fluid-Structure Interaction Solver based on lattice-Boltzmann and Immersed Boundary methods with Applications to the Aortic Valve.
T. Fringand , I. Cheylan , M. Lenoir , L. Macé , J. Favier -
Emulating parametrized blood clot simulations through model order reduction combined with deep learning techniques
A. Longhi , R. Mendez , A. Fau , D. Lucor -
Gaussian Process Emulators as Surrogate Models for Four Chamber Cardiac Hemodynamics
E. Karabelas , S. Longobardi , G. Haase , G. Plank , S. Niederer -
Verification and validation pipeline for the risk-informed credibility assessment of in-silico fluid simulations for left atrial appendage devices
A. Olivares , E. Khalili , J. Mill , H. Kjeldsberg , C. Albors , H. Arevalo , T. Schauer , K. Valen-Sendstad , O. Camara
Corresponding Organizer:
Tan Bui-Thanh
(The University of Texas)
Chaired by:
Prof. Tan Bui-Thanh
(The University of Texas)
CFD Model Order Reduction for Optimizing Ice Protection Systems
M. Pourbagian , W. Habashi -
Combined forecasting models for ice detection on wind turbine
F. Odiagbe , M. Obadiah , A. Alugongo -
Graph Neural Network for Two-Fluid Flows
G. El Haber , J. Viquerat , A. Larcher , E. Hachem -
Machine Learning Augmented Turbulence Modelling for Massively Separated Three-Dimensional Flows
R. McConkey , A. Mole , A. Skillen , A. Revell , E. Yee , F. Lien -
The Deep Learning Inference of Compressible Flows Over an Aerofoil
L. Chen
Corresponding Organizer:
Mattia Cenedese
(Institute for Mechanical Systems)
Chaired by:
Mr. Mattia Cenedese
(Institute for Mechanical Systems)
Nonlinear reduced-order modelling from data
G. Haller -
Nonlinear resonances of sloshing fluids: An ideal experiment to test data-driven approaches
B. Bäuerlein , K. Avila -
Modeling Transitions in Shear Flows Using Reduced-Order Models on Spectral Submanifolds
B. Kaszás , M. Cenedese , G. Haller -
How secondary bifurcations of steady Navier-Stokes solutions affect unsteady flows
N. Deng , B. Noack , L. Tuckerman , L. Pastur -
A systematic search of turbulence for periodic orbits with automatic differentiation
J. Page
Corresponding Organizer:
Alessandro Veneziani
(Dept Math&CS Emory University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Alessandro Veneziani
(Dept Math&CS Emory University)
Multiscale Modeling of Blood Flow
A. Sequeira -
Reduced order models for generalized Newtonian fluid flows
R. Reyes , E. Castillo , C. Bayona-Roa -
An Inverse Navier-Stokes Problem for the Reconstruction of Noisy Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry Images
A. Kontogiannis , M. Juniper -
Shape Optimization of the Total CavoPulmonary Connection: A Challenge between Data-Driven and Model-Driven Techniques
I. Shah , F. Ballarin , T. Iliescu , O. San , L. Dasi , A. Wei , A. Veneziani
Corresponding Organizer:
Franck Pigeonneau
Chaired by:
Mr. Franck Pigeonneau
Prof. Eric CLIMENT
(Institute of Fluids Mechanics - Toulouse, FR)
Numerical simulations of mass transfer around rising bubbles in the presence of surfactants
K. Kentheswaran , N. Dietrich , B. Lalanne -
Level set method for reactive bubble formation, rise, and evacuation through porous media
J. El Zahabi , R. Valette , E. Hachem -
Investigation of the motion of elongated bubbles flowing in viscous fluids in slightly inclined pipes
J. Karp , A. Boucher , G. Dakin , R. Belt , A. Liné -
Toward a digital meniscus
A. Obeidat , A. Zilian -
Modelling and simulation of single and multiple drop impingements onto liquid surfaces
Corresponding Organizer:
Karen E. Willcox
(The University of Texas at Austin )
Chaired by:
Prof. Ramon Codina
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Corresponding Organizer:
Wolfgang A. Wall
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alvaro Coutinho
(COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Corresponding Organizer:
Nikolaus Adams
(Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy, and Process Engineering)
Chaired by:
Dr. Frédéric Feyel
(Safran Group)
Corresponding Organizer:
David Le Touzé
(Ecole Centrale Nantes)
Chaired by:
Prof. Pierre Sagaut
(Université Aix-Marseille)
Wed, 26/04/2023
12:45 - 13:45
12:45 - 13:45
Corresponding Organizer:
Sebastian Aland
(TU Freiberg)
Chaired by:
Prof. Sebastian Aland
(TU Freiberg)
Cavitation modeling for marine engineering applications using variational multiscale methods
A. Korobenko , A. Bayram -
Eliminating Gibbs Phenomena for Best-Approximations in Finite Elements and Isogeometric Analysis
M. ten Eikelder , S. Stoter , Y. Bazilevs , D. Schillinger -
Direct Numerical Simulation of boiling
X. chen , Y. KULKARNI , D. Fuster , S. Zaleski -
Stabilized Isogeometric Discretization of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations: Toward Predictive Cavitation Simulations
T. Hu , H. Gomez
Corresponding Organizer:
Stefanie Elgeti
(TU Wien)
Chaired by:
Prof. Stefanie Elgeti
(TU Wien)
Feedback machine learning control of 3D falling liquid film
F. Pino , B. Scheid , M. Mendez -
Modeling Slot-Die Coating Flows with Physics-Informed Machine Learning
H. Kwak , J. Nam -
Global shape optimisation of ultrasonic flow meters by means of computational fluid dynamics
M. Rincón , M. Reclari , X. Yang , M. Abkar -
Topology Optimization for Multiphase Systems with Heat Transfer
W. Abdel Nour , J. Jabbour , D. Serret , P. Meliga , E. Hachem -
Topology optimization of turbulent flow considering non-newtonian formulation
S. Ranjbarzadeh , R. Picelli , E. Nelli Silva
Corresponding Organizer:
Gianmarco Mengaldo
(National University of Singapore)
Chaired by:
Dr. Gianmarco Mengaldo
(National University of Singapore)
Deep Learning-based Reduced Order Modeling for Unsteady Flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction
R. Jaiman , R. Gao -
Assessment of Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder Network for Learning Wave Propagation
W. Mallik , R. Jaiman , J. Jelovica -
Multi-scale rotation-equivariant graph neural networks for unsteady Eulerian fluid dynamics
M. Lino , S. Fotiadis , A. Bharath , C. Cantwell -
Graph Neural Networks to Learn Mesh-Based Fluid Simulations with Physical Symmetries
M. Horie , N. Mitsume -
Data-driven spectral modeling for the (thermal) quasi-geostrophic equations
S. Ephrati , E. Luesink , P. Cifani , A. Franken , B. Geurts
Corresponding Organizer:
Daniele Di Pietro
(University of Montpellier)
Chaired by:
Prof. Daniele Di Pietro
(University of Montpellier)
An adaptive Virtual Element Method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
C. Canuto , D. Rosso -
Virtual Element in environmental flow problems: operator preserving, coupling of phenomena and adaptivity
S. Berrone , A. Borio , M. Busetto , F. Marcon , G. Teora , F. Vicini -
Discrete de Rham complexes of differential forms on polytopal meshes
F. Bonaldi , D. Di Pietro -
Cohomology of the discrete de Rham complex on domains of general topology
D. Di Pietro , J. Droniou , S. Pitassi -
Interpolation and stability estimates for Stokes-like virtual element functions
L. Beirão da Veiga , L. Mascotto , J. Meng -
Virtual Element Method for the Navier--Stokes Equation coupled with the Heat Equation
P. Antonietti , G. Vacca , M. Verani
Corresponding Organizer:
Raphael Loubere
(Université de Bordeaux and CNRS)
Chaired by:
Dr. Raphael Loubere
(Université de Bordeaux and CNRS)
A semi-implicit Jin-Xin relaxation scheme for all Mach number flows
A. Iollo , G. Puppo , A. Thomann -
An asymptotic preserving scheme for the M1 model on conical meshes
C. Lasuen -
High-order composite finite volume schemes with arbitrary order physically admissible non linear reconstruction
P. Hoch -
A divergence free Finite Volume discretization of Lagrangian ideal MHD over 3D unstructured grids
W. Boscheri , R. Loubère , P. Maire -
On stabilisation of hybrid lattice Boltzmann method: an application to compressible flows with discontinuities.
K. Kozhanova , G. Wissocq , P. Boivin
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthias Möller
(Delft University of Technology)
Chaired by:
Dr. Matthias Möller
(Delft University of Technology)
An efficient quantum approach for solving the collisionless Boltzmann equation in qiskit
M. Schalkers , M. Möller -
Quantum Algorithm for the Lattice Boltzmann Method of Fluid Simulation
W. Itani , V. Kumar , A. Mezzacapo , L. Schleeper , K. Sreenivasan , S. Succi -
Boundary Integral Algorithms for linear and nonlinear PDEs in Quantum Computation of Fluid Dynamics
S. Bharadwaj , B. Nadiga , S. Eidenbenz , K. R. Sreenivasan -
Quantum Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear Equations
Z. Chen , C. Xue , S. Huang , Y. Li , Y. Wu , G. Guo
Corresponding Organizer:
Allan Peter Engsig-Karup
(Technical University of Denmark)
Chaired by:
Dr. Maria Kazolea
Analysis and Simulations of Three-Soliton Interactions with Extreme Wave-Amplification in a Hierarchy of Water-Wave Models
O. Bokhove -
A Conservative numerical approach for dispersive waves in 1-D channels
B. Jouy , M. Le , D. Violeau , M. Ricchiuto -
Solving the linear radiation problem in 3D using the spectral element method
J. Visbech , A. Engsig-Karup , H. Bingham -
Reduced Order Modelling for Wave-Structure Modelling
F. Eroglu , N. Mücke , J. Visbech , A. Engsig-Karup -
A Free-Surface Incompressible Navier-Stokes Spectral Element Model for Simulation of Water Waves
A. Melander , J. Lisegaard , M. Bitsch , A. Engsig-Karup -
Simulation of shoaling and breaking waves over variable seabed: a comparison of nonlinear deterministic wave models
G. Coulaud , M. Benoit , M. Teles
Corresponding Organizer:
David Noble
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. David Noble
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Dr. Rekha Rao
(Sandia National Laboratories)
An Eulerian Method for the Simulation of Multiphase Incompressible Flows with Interface Effects
A. Caboussat , J. Hess , A. Masserey , M. Picasso -
Partial wetting by a liquid drop of a horizontal solid surface: beyond Young's equation
M. Medale , D. Brutin -
Vibrations of two coaxial flexible cylinders in a viscous fluid
M. Puscas , R. Lagrange -
Overset In Openfoam: Improvements For Combined Motion And Deformation Simulations
A. Hamada , K. Ahmed , L. Chatellier , M. Fürth -
Open-Source Parallel Codes for 2D and 3D Flow Simulation by Lagrangian Vortex Particle Methods
I. Marhevsky , G. Shcheglov , K. Sokol , E. Ryatina
Corresponding Organizer:
David Nordsletten
(University of Michigan)
Chaired by:
Dr. David Nordsletten
(University of Michigan)
A multiphysics and multiscale model for simulating the haemodynamics of the human heart
L. Dede' , M. Bucelli , I. Fumagalli , A. Zingaro -
Variational Techniques in Blood Flow Modeling
J. Tiago , I. Marin-Gayte , T. Guerra -
Fluid-Structure Interaction simulation of deep vein valves
B. Thibaud , S. Mendez , F. Nicoud -
Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration of One-Dimensional Arterial Hemodynamics
M. Benmahdi , H. Libes -
Simulations of Treatment for Heart Valve Disease Using Fluid-Structure Interaction on a Monlithic Mesh
J. Kronborg , J. Hoffman
Corresponding Organizer:
Tan Bui-Thanh
(The University of Texas)
Chaired by:
Prof. Wagdi Habashi
(McGill University)
A heterogeneous computing approach to coupled simulation and machine-learning deployment for high-speed flows
C. Laurent , K. Maeda , T. Teixeira , G. Iaccarino -
A Model-Constrained Tangent Manifold Learning Approach for Dynamical Systems
H. Nguyen , H. Li , T. Bui Thanh -
A proposed hybrid two-stage DL-HPC method for wind speed forecasting: using the first average forecast output for long-term forecasting
R. Hassanian , Á. Helgadóttir , M. Aach , A. Linteramnn , M. Riedel -
Prediction of CFD analysis results using deep learning
M. Masuda , Y. Nakabayashi , Y. Tamura -
Prediction of Flow Characteristics of the Three-Dimensional Wavy Wing using CNN and Encoder-Decoder Models
M. Kim , H. Yoon
Corresponding Organizer:
Balint Kaszas
(ETH Zurich)
Chaired by:
Mr. Balint Kaszas
(ETH Zurich)
Applying Machine Learning to Study Fluid Mechanics
S. Brunton -
From resolvent to Gramians: forcing and response modes for control
B. Herrmann , P. Baddoo , S. Dawson , R. Semaan , S. Brunton , B. McKeon -
Data-driven Spectral Submanifold Reduction for the Dynamics of Fluids, Solids and their Interaction
M. Cenedese , G. Haller -
Understanding Bursting Dynamics in Two-dimensional Turbulence Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders
J. Holey , J. Page , M. Brenner , R. Kerswell -
Reduced-Order Models of Magnetoconvection in 2D
A. Roy , S. Tobias , C. Jones , P. Livermore , W. Arter , S. Pamela
Corresponding Organizer:
Alessandro Veneziani
(Dept Math&CS Emory University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Alessandro Veneziani
(Dept Math&CS Emory University)
Digital Twin in Wind Assistant Propulsion for marittime transport
D. Baroli , M. Zanichelli , M. Multerer , E. Gallorini , F. Piscaglia , L. Valsecchi , P. Motta -
Data enhanced reduced order methods for turbulent flows
A. Ivagnes , G. Stabile , A. Mola , T. Iliescu , G. Rozza -
Towards a Non-equilibrium Extension of the Law of the Wall in Turbulent Channel Flows
C. Hansen , X. Yang , M. Abkar -
Embedded Learning of Closure Models for Filtered Discrete Equations
S. Agdestein , B. Sanderse -
Neural network subgrid-scale models for planar turbulent premixed flames
S. Suh , J. MacArt , L. Olson , J. Freund
Corresponding Organizer:
Franck Pigeonneau
Chaired by:
Mr. Franck Pigeonneau
Prof. Eric CLIMENT
(Institute of Fluids Mechanics - Toulouse, FR)
A two-fluid model for compressible flows: Application to the study of bubble dynamics
V. Boniou , R. Fox , A. Passalacqua , M. Ray -
Compressible Two-Phase Flow in Moving Domains with Applications in Blow-By Induced Fuel-in-Oil Dilution
P. Antony , N. Hosters , M. Behr , A. Hopf -
Digital twin for freeze drying
B. Kamenik , M. Hribersek , J. Ravnik , M. Zadravec -
Reduced order model based on POD-Galerkin for transient two-phase flows in porous media using database in steady state
M. Ghestin , R. Ferrier , N. Moulin , S. Drapier , J. Bruchon -
Temperature Dependence of Physical Properties for Thermal Fluid Analysis of PCB Hydrothermal Oxidation Decomposition Reactor
H. Okuda , H. Kuramae , M. Matsumoto , N. Watanabe
Corresponding Organizer:
Artem Korobenko
(University of Calgary)
Chaired by:
Prof. Artem Korobenko
(University of Calgary)
Numerical simulation of high-pressure flows with non-ideal fluxes and diffuse interface modeling
Y. Le Calvez , F. Nabet , V. Giovangigli , G. Ribert -
Comparaison of numerical approaches for the modeling of mass transfer across interfaces
N. Djaballah , S. Vincent , E. Chénier , B. Trouette , C. CELSUK -
A new approach for two-phase flows simulation: X-Mesh
A. Quiriny , J. Remacle , J. Lambrechts , N. Moës -
A Scalable Adaptive Front-Tracking Method for Simulation of Compressible Multiphase Flows
A. KOTTILINGAL , S. Zaleski -
A discontinuity capturing formulation based on VMS
I. Akkerman , M. ten Eikelder
Corresponding Organizer:
Fabian Key
(TU Wien)
Chaired by:
Dr. Fabian Key
(TU Wien)
Advances in the Lagrangian Finite Element approach for the simulation of non-Newtonian free-surface flows
M. Cremonesi -
Numerical simulation of non-isothermal viscoelastic fluid flows using a VMS stabilized Finite Element formulation
R. Codina , J. Baiges , L. Moreno -
Identification and quantification of vortex in slot-die coating flows
H. Kwak , S. Oh , J. Nam -
Space-Time Discretization towards Efficient Injection Molding Simulations
B. Ferrer Fabón , M. Behr -
Impact of viscoplastic drops on a solid
K. Isukwem , A. Pereira , R. Castellani , R. Valette , E. Hachem
Corresponding Organizer:
Ruben Sevilla
(Swansea University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ruben Sevilla
(Swansea University)
Level-Set for CFD Quad Meshing
C. Roche , J. Breil , T. Hocquellet , F. Ledoux -
Numerical validation of the FDA blood pump using an autonomous mesh generation approach with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
A. Balachandran Nair , P. Scienza -
Geometry persistent mesh generation for NEFEM
X. Zou , S. Lo , R. Sevilla , O. Hassan , K. Morgan -
Fluid-Structure Interaction with fully integrated Mesh Generation
T. Fries , D. Bošnjak , T. Schwentner -
Development of Design Optimisation Techniques for Transonic and Supersonic CFD Modelling Processes
B. Smith
Corresponding Organizer:
Anca Belme
(Sorbonne University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Anca Belme
(Sorbonne University)
Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation for moving mesh adaptation
G. Lissoni , E. Hachem , A. Larcher -
Assessment of mesh adaptation algorithms for LES and DES simulation of detached flows
B. Sauvage , F. Miralles , S. Wornom , B. Koobus , F. Alauzet , A. Dervieux -
Grey area mitigation for DES-type RANS/LES turbulence model
A. Monot , C. Friess , J. Wackers -
hp-adaptive hybrid RANS/LES simulations using a high-order discontinuous Galerkin method on unstructured meshes
F. Basile , J. Chapelier , R. Laraufie , P. Frey -
Successive-Correction H-P Adaptation For K-Exact FV Schemes In Compressible Flow Simulations
M. Salihoglu , A. Belme , G. Pont , D. Puech , P. Brenner , P. Cinnella
Corresponding Organizer:
Pierre-Henri Maire
Chaired by:
Dr. Pierre-Henri Maire
Entropy stable, positivity preserving and well-balanced Godunov-type schemes for multidimensional Shallow Water system
A. Chan , G. Gallice , R. Loubère , A. Del Grosso , P. Maire -
Stabilized bi-cubic Hermite Bézier finite element method: application to gas-plasma interactions in tokamak plasma
A. Bhole , B. Nkonga , J. team -
A family of gradient-based reconstruction schemes for compressible Navier-Stokes equations
A. Chamarthi , S. Frankel -
Factorizability Property and its Significance for the Eulerian and Lagrangian CFD Methods
D. Sidilkover -
Variational Formulation of Wall Boundary Conditions of RANS Models in a Discontinuous Galerkin Framework
A. Bosco , V. Perrier , J. Jung
Corresponding Organizer:
Hao Liu
(Chiba University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Hao Liu
(Chiba University)
Reduced-order modeling in aeroelasticity of flapping motion
S. Kaneko , S. Yoshimura -
Simulation and Analysis of the Wakes and Formations of Flapping Birds
V. Colognesi , R. Ronsse , P. Chatelain -
Fluid-structure interaction model for passive motions in flapping insect wing
M. Onishi , D. Ishihara
Corresponding Organizer:
Stéphane Louis Clain
(Center of Mathematics, University of Coimbra)
Chaired by:
Mr. Stéphane Louis Clain
(Center of Mathematics, University of Coimbra)
A very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on polygonal meshes for 3D incompressible flows with general slip conditions on curved boundaries
R. Costa , S. Clain , G. Machado , J. Nóbrega , H. Beirão da Veiga , F. Crispo -
High Order ADER-DG simulations of compressible flows on 2D Domains with Curved Boundaries based on Recostruction Off-site Data
M. Ciallella , S. Clain , E. Gaburro , M. Ricchiuto -
High-order Energy Stable Embedded Boundary Method for Compressible Flows
A. Mayya , N. Sharan -
Higher Order Unfitted Space-time Finite Element Methods for PDEs on Moving Domains
F. Heimann , C. Lehrenfeld , J. Preuß
Corresponding Organizer:
Alec Kucala
(Sandia National Labs)
Chaired by:
Phd. Alec Kucala
(Sandia National Labs)
Dr. Scott Roberts
(Sandia National Laboratories)
A one-velocity-field monolithic method for fluid-structure interaction
Y. Wang , P. Jimack , M. Walkley , O. Pironneau -
An efficient and accurate iterative solution algorithm for fluid-structure interactions using an ALE finite element method
G. Walton , P. Jimack , M. Walkley -
A Moving-mesh Approach for Interface-tracking Multiphase Flow
L. Li , J. Xiang , C. Pain -
A space-time framework for periodic flows
J. Lotz , M. ten Eikelder , I. Akkerman -
A Verified Conforming Transient h-r Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (cThruAMR) Method for Capillary Hydrodynamics
D. Noble
Corresponding Organizer:
Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
Fluid-structure interaction calibration from 4D-flow MRI data
M. Boulakia , M. Fernández -
Fluid-reduced-Solid Interaction (FrSI): Physics- and Projection-based Model Reduction for Applications in Cardiovascular Hemodynamics
M. Hirschvogel , M. Balmus , M. Bonini , D. Nordsletten -
A lattice-Boltzmann solver coupled to an immersed boundary method with applications to fluid structure interaction.
I. Cheylan , T. Fringand , M. Lenoir , L. Macé , J. Favier -
An Integrated Electro-Mechano-Fluid Mathematical Model of the Human Heart
M. Bucelli , A. Zingaro , P. Africa , I. Fumagalli , L. Dede' , A. Quarteroni -
Haemodynamics of an Idealized Mechanical Heart Valve – Predictions by FVM and SPH
S. Laha , G. Fourtakas , P. Das , A. Keshmiri
Corresponding Organizer:
Tan Bui-Thanh
(The University of Texas)
Chaired by:
Prof. Tan Bui-Thanh
(The University of Texas)
Surrogate Models for CFD Simulations Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
M. Eichinger , V. Grimm , A. Heinlein , A. Klawonn -
Reinforcement Learning For Spline-Based Shape Optimization Of Flow Channels In Profile Extrusion Dies
S. Elgeti , D. Wolff , C. Fricke , M. Kemmerling -
Verification of Visualization Method Using Self-Organizing Map for Various Flow Fields
Y. Tamura , M. Masuda -
Generic high-performance coupling of massively parallel CFD solver to neural network inferences
A. Serhani , C. Lapeyre , G. Staffelbach -
Machine Learning Method for Surrogate Substitution of Obstacles in CFD Simulations
A. Pérez , G. Houzeaux , C. Samaniego , A. Lektauers , I. Andersone , J. Calafell
Corresponding Organizer:
George Haller
(ETH Zürich)
Chaired by:
Prof. George Haller
(ETH Zürich)
A Blended Projection-Based Reduced-Order Model-Artificial NeuralNetwork Concept for Addressing the Kolmogorov Barrier to the Reducibility of CFD Models
C. Farhat , J. Barnett , Y. Maday -
Reduced-Order Modeling of Turbulent Combustion Without Offline Training Using Time-Dependent Bases
H. Babaee -
Fast and accurate reduced order modelling for the simulation of blood flow dynamics
P. Siena , C. Balzotti , M. Girfoglio , A. Quaini , G. Rozza -
Inferring Models for the Pressure Gradient in an Idealized Stenosis
E. Livingston , A. Figueroa , K. Garikipati -
Reduced Order Models on a Variational Multi-Scale Model of Navier--Stokes
D. Torlo , S. Rubino , G. Stabile
Corresponding Organizer:
Laura Mainini
(Imperial College London)
Chaired by:
Dr. Laura Mainini
(Imperial College London)
Dr. Matteo Diez
What is machine learning learning? Autoencoders for reduced-order modelling of turbulence.
L. Magri , D. Kelshaw , N. Doan -
Explainable transfer learning for stable and generalizable data-driven LES
Y. Guan , A. Chattopadhyay , P. Hassanzadeh -
Using deep learning techniques for solving convection-dominated convection-diffusion equations
D. Frerichs-Mihov , L. Henning , V. John -
Learning models from single and multiple sources for fluid problems in engineering design and optimization
L. Mainini
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthias Meinke
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Matthias Meinke
(RWTH Aachen University)
Validation of aeroacoustic sound predictions in confined flows
S. Schoder , P. Maurerlehner , J. Tieber , H. Steiner , G. Brenn , M. Kaltenbacher -
High-Resolution GPU-Accelerated Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Impinging Jet Noise using Gradient Based Reconstruction
H. Chandravamsi , A. Chamarthi , S. Frankel -
Aeroacoustic noise prediction by a direct-hybrid CFD/CAA method based on a lattice Boltzmann formulation
M. Gondrum , A. Niemöller , M. Meinke , W. Schröder -
Aeroacoustic predictions using a high order discontinuous Galerkin solver: direct computation vs Ffowcs-Williams Hawkins
O. Marino , E. Ferrer , E. Valero
Panelists: Laura Mainini (moderator), Elias Cueto, Matteo Diez, Luca Magri, Gianluigi Rozza, Tan Bui-Thanh, Andrea Beck, Francisco Chinesta
Corresponding Organizer:
Laura Mainini
(Imperial College London)
Chaired by:
Dr. Laura Mainini
(Imperial College London)
Corresponding Organizer:
Charbel Farhat
(Stanford University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alfio Quarteroni
(Politecnico di Milano)
Corresponding Organizer:
Aurora Hernandez-Machado
(University of Barcelona)
Chaired by:
Prof. Aurora Hernandez-Machado
(University of Barcelona)
A Stabilized Finite Element Formulation for Two-Phase Flow Models Using Orthogonal Subgrid-Scales
H. Gravenkamp , R. Codina , J. Principe , J. Baiges -
Assessment of the Efficacy of Turbulence Models in the Simulation of Violent Sloshing
O. Mahfoze , W. Liu , S. Longshaw , A. Skillen , D. Emerson -
Evaporative front kinetics in random 3D topologies. Application to the Lost Foam casting process
C. Hayek , E. Hachem , R. Valette -
High Prandtl impinging liquid jet: effect of injector geometry on heat transfer
X. Bai , A. Poubeau , G. Vinay , C. Renon , M. Fénot -
Numerical simulation of LOx-CH4 reacting flows under supercritical conditions
F. Monnier , G. Ribert
Corresponding Organizer:
Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
Thixotropy modeling of battery slurries and computational analysis of slurry transportation through pipe systems
N. Park , H. Jung , J. Park , J. Nam -
High Deborah number contraction flow instabilities of viscoelastic fluids using finite element method
W. Jo , H. Jung , Y. Kwon , J. Nam -
Modelling and Simulation of Macroscopic Flows of Dense Suspensions
L. Santelli , G. Giusteri , R. Seto -
A Numerical Approach to Model and Simulate Transient Close-Contact Melting Processes
L. Boledi , S. Elgeti , J. Kowalski -
Wave energy converter optimization by CFD simulation
D. Leibetseder , G. Kovacs , Y. Shao , R. Bloom , J. Walther
Corresponding Organizer:
Gianluigi Rozza
Chaired by:
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Prof. Elias Cueto
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Uncertainty Quantification with Surrogate Models for Plastics Flow in Manufacturing Engineering
F. Key , S. Elgeti -
Cognitive digital twins for physically sound active learning in fluid dynamics
B. Moya , A. Badias , D. Gonzalez , F. Chinesta , E. Cueto -
Wall Modeling in LES of Turbulent Flows Using Reinforcement Learning
A. Vadrot , X. Yang , M. Abkar -
Artificial Neural Networks Based Closure Models for Reduced Order Models in Computational Fluid Mechanics
Z. DAR , R. Codina , J. Baiges -
Community Analysis of Bifurcation Maps for the Data Based Analysis of Combustion in WSFRs Applied to Diluted Hydrogen Mixtures
J. He , Y. Li , L. Ji , L. Acampora , F. Marra
Corresponding Organizer:
Jeroen Wackers
(Centrale Nantes / CNRS)
Chaired by:
Dr. Jeroen Wackers
(Centrale Nantes / CNRS)
Grid-Adaptation for Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation Using Unstructured High-Order Methods
M. Blind , A. Kahraman , J. Larsson , A. Beck -
Linearized Implicit Time Advancement and Time-step Control for Large Eddy Simulations of Incompressible Flow
T. Berthelon , G. Sahut , J. Leparoux , G. Balarac , M. Bernard , V. Moureau , O. Métais -
A parameter-free LES model for anisotropic mesh adaptivity
J. Avalos-Patiño , S. Neethling , M. Piggott -
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for High Order Finite Volume unsteady compressible flow simulations
A. Liapi , P. Cinnella , A. Belme , P. Brenner , G. Pont , D. Puech
Corresponding Organizer:
Walter Boscheri
(University of Ferrara)
Chaired by:
Prof. Walter Boscheri
(University of Ferrara)
Vorticity-Divergence based high-resolution methods
O. Argov , D. Sidilkover -
Study of the entropy production embedded into a class of approximate Riemann solvers dedicated to gas dynamics. How much entropy is needed?
G. Gallice , R. Loubère , P. Maire -
A novel implicit finite volume scheme for hypersonic steady flow problems
B. Cossart , J. Braeunig , R. Loubere -
Numerical Simulation of supersonic flows using OpenFOAM
C. Carricajo , R. Janzen , M. Schöfer , P. Boivin -
A Subgrid-Scale Transition Model for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition in Wall-Modelled Large Eddy Simulations
N. Hoffmann , A. Chamarthi , S. Frankel
Corresponding Organizer:
Ishihara Daisuke
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ishihara Daisuke
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Modelling and control of bioinspired multi-body AUV with CFD flow analysis
M. wright , Q. Xiao , H. Yue , M. Post -
Simulations of Dolphin-inspired High-frequency Oscillation-induced Boundary Layer Flows
D. WANG , H. Liu -
Modelling the development of shape-changing stimuli-responsive hydrogels for micromotors
A. Rahmat , M. Safdari-Shadloo , T. Montenegro-Johnson
Corresponding Organizer:
Stéphane Louis Clain
(Center of Mathematics, University of Coimbra)
Chaired by:
Mr. Stéphane Louis Clain
(Center of Mathematics, University of Coimbra)
The High-Order Shifted Boundary Method
N. Atallah , C. Canuto , G. Scovazzi , V. Tomov , B. Lazarov -
High order sub-cell corrections for embedded and immersed boundaries via asymptotic expansion
L. Nouveau , M. Ricchiuto , C. Poignard -
Interior Penalty Method for a Cartesian Discontinuous Galerkin Solver with Immersed Boundaries
N. Levaux , A. Bilocq , P. Schrooyen , V. Terrapon , K. Hillewaert
Corresponding Organizer:
Scott Roberts
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Scott Roberts
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Phd. Alec Kucala
(Sandia National Labs)
Free surface flow simulations using the Particle Finite Element Method
T. Leyssens , J. Remacle -
Numerical Models and Experiments of Yield Stress Fluids Filling a Thin Mold
R. Rao , J. McConnell , W. Ortiz , A. Grillet -
Reducing Flow Instabilities Due to Marangoni and Buoyancy Effects in Horizontal Ribbon Growth
N. Bagheri-Sadeghi , A. Abrantes , B. Helenbrook -
Viscoplastic Dam-Breaks
R. Valette
Corresponding Organizer:
Johan Hoffman
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Chaired by:
Mr. Johan Hoffman
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Fluid-Structure Interaction Model of the Human Heart
L. Abdala , M. Davey , C. Puelz , S. Rossi , M. Smith , D. Wells , B. Griffith -
A stabilized method for high Peclet number Advection-Diffusion-Reaction systems in Cardiac and Vascular applications
M. Balmus , M. Bonini , A. Qureshi , A. de Vecchi , O. Aslanidi , D. Nordsletten -
Efficient Multi-Fidelity Estimation of Boundary Conditions for Cardiovascular Hemodynamics
J. Richter , L. Pegolotti , K. Menon , J. Nitzler , J. Biehler , D. Schiavazzi , A. Marsden , M. Pfaller -
Simulating The Left Ventricle with Implanted Left Ventricular Assist Device Using a Finite Element Method And MRI-Based Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions
M. Schuster , M. Behr , N. Hosters -
A Volume-of-Fluid Method of Modeling Thrombus Embolization Applied to Flow Through a Plain Tube
N. Tobin , K. Manning
Corresponding Organizer:
Norbert Hosters
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Norbert Hosters
(RWTH Aachen University)
Flow Simulations on Four-Dimensional Meshes
M. von Danwitz , F. Key , N. Hosters , M. Behr -
Matrix-Free Variational Multiscale Methods for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows
L. Prieto Saavedra , B. Blais -
Robustness and Performance of Logarithm-Conformation Methods for Viscoelastic Flow Problems
F. Becker , K. Rauthmann , L. Pauli , P. Knechtges -
Solving Stokes Flow with Hybrid ML-Simulation Methods
F. Griese , P. Knechtges , A. Rüttgers -
A macroelement hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin solver applied to two- and three-dimensional advection-diffusion
V. Badrkhani , R. R. Hiemstra , D. Schillinger -
Massively Parallel Fourier Transform: Application to the Unbounded Poisson Equation and Performance Analysis
P. Balty , P. Chatelain , T. Gillis
Corresponding Organizer:
Balint Kaszas
(ETH Zurich)
Chaired by:
Mr. Balint Kaszas
(ETH Zurich)
Strategies for improving the performance of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for predicting flow fields in bioreactors
V. Travnikova , E. von Lieres , M. Behr -
Model reduction with latent variables for discretely filtered equations
H. Rosenberger , B. Sanderse -
Subspace-Distance-Enabled Active Learning for Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Modeling of Parametric Fluid Flows
H. Kapadia , L. Feng , P. Benner -
Reduced order modeling with variational multiscale method for environmental flows
S. Dave , A. Korobenko -
A variational Bayesian non-linear reduced order modeling in fluid dynamics
N. Akkari , F. Casenave
Corresponding Organizer:
Matteo Diez
Chaired by:
Dr. Matteo Diez
Dr. Laura Mainini
(Imperial College London)
Machine Learning for Enhancing and Complementing CFD Simulations: Potentials and Limitations for Industrial Applications
P. Bekemeyer , S. Görtz , A. Krumbein , C. Grabe -
Learning Six Degree-of-Freedom Ship Motion in Random Seas with Multi-Fidelity Data
K. Maki , K. Marlantes , K. Silva -
Leveraging Differentiable Physics to Efficiently Learn Flow Past Arbitrary Geometries
S. Brahmachary , N. Thuerey -
Improvements for Uncertainty Estimation in Active Learning – Towards Automated Multifidelity Metamodels
H. Pehlivan Solak , J. Wackers , R. Pellegrini , A. Serani , M. Diez
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthias Meinke
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Matthias Meinke
(RWTH Aachen University)
Post-processing methods to extract the acoustic-induced velocity within the orifice of a conventional acoustic liners grazed by a turbulent flow and acoustic wave
F. Avallone , L. Pereira , L. Bonomo , A. da Silva , J. Cordioli -
An Immersed Boundary Formulation for Acoustic Scattering in a Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method
S. Satcunanathan , M. Meinke , W. Schröder -
Acoustic Emission of Thermodiffusive Unstable Hydrogen-Air Flames
B. Pedro Beltran , M. Meinke , W. Schröder -
Aeroacoustic Comparison between Conventional and Krüger High-lift Configuration using a Wall-Modelled LES Lattice Boltzmann Method
M. Soni , R. Ewert , J. Delfs
The talk will be provided using videoconference
Corresponding Organizer:
Anne-Virginie Salsac
(Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
Chaired by:
Prof. Elie Hachem
(Mines ParisTech)
Corresponding Organizer:
Antonio Huerta
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Chaired by:
Dr. Vincent MOUREAU
Corresponding Organizer:
Yuri Bazilevs
(Brown University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ramon Codina
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Corresponding Organizer:
Simona Perotto
(MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Dr. Frédéric Feyel
(Safran Group)
Thu, 27/04/2023
12:45 - 13:45
12:45 - 13:45
Corresponding Organizer:
Ido Akkerman
(TU Delft)
Chaired by:
Dr. Ido Akkerman
(TU Delft)
A Reduced-Order Model for Multiphase Simulation of Transient Inert Multicomponent Sprays in the Context of Compression Ignition Engines
A. Saha , A. Deshmukh , S. Majumder , R. Dhar , J. Palmer , P. Augustin , M. Reddemann , T. Grenga , R. Kneer , H. Pitsch -
Multi-material flows with pressure equilibration in a cell-centered Lagrangian scheme
B. Manach-Pérennou , R. Chauvin , S. Guisset , A. Llor -
Multi-Resolution Analysis for two-phase flows with heat and mass transfer
G. Wu , N. Grenier , C. Nore , M. Massot -
Robustness and consistency of potentially-stiff multi-way pressure couplings in compressible multi-fluid models
E. Heulhard de Montigny , A. Llor -
An Improved Partially Saturated Method for the Lattice Boltzmann Pseudopotential Multicomponent Flows
W. Gang , D. Umberto , . Pierrette
Corresponding Organizer:
Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marek Behr
(RWTH Aachen University)
RANS-RSM-based, eddy-resolving modelling of complex turbulent flows
S. Jakirlic -
Validation of Rotorwash Simulation using Blade-resolved and Blade-modeled CFD
D. Caprace , P. Ventura Diaz , S. Yoon -
High-Fidelity Simulations of NASA's Urban Air Mobility Concept Vehicles
P. Ventura Diaz , D. Garcia Perez , S. Yoon -
Multi-Physics and Multi-Fidelity Considerations in Oleo-Pneumatic Shock Absorber Orifice Flow
A. Sheikh Al-Shabab , B. Grenko , A. Antoniadis , P. Tsoutsanis , M. Skote -
Understanding the Effects of a Ducted Winglet on Wake and Induced Drag Using CFD
J. Vincalek , S. Walton , B. Evans
Corresponding Organizer:
Elias Cueto
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Chaired by:
Prof. Elias Cueto
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Temperature field inference using physics-informed neural networks in turbulent natural convection
K. Doria , A. Sergent , D. Lucor -
Physics-constrained Deep Learning for the k-epsilon Turbulence Model Calibration
L. Cotteleer , A. Parente -
Active flow control on 3D cylinders through deep reinforcement learning
P. Suárez , F. Alcántara-Ávila , A. Miró , J. Rabault , B. Font , O. Lehmkhul , R. Vinuesa -
Dealing with faulty sensors: a physics-informed convolutional neural network approach for recovering solutions to governing equations
D. Kelshaw , L. Magri
Corresponding Organizer:
Pierre Boivin
Chaired by:
Mr. Pierre Boivin
On lattice Boltzmann schemes with a single distribution for the approximation of Navier Stokes equations
F. Dubois , P. Lallemand -
A positivity-preserving and conservative high-order flux reconstruction method for the polyatomic Boltzmann–BGK equation
T. Dzanic , F. Witherden , L. Martinelli -
A hybrid lattice Boltzmann method for gaseous detonations
G. Wissocq , S. Taileb , S. Zhao , P. Boivin -
Initialization from lattice Boltzmann to multi-step Finite Difference methods: modified equations and discrete observability
T. Bellotti -
Lattice-Boltzmann diffuse interface modelling of two-phase flows
T. Gregorczyk , S. Zhao , P. Boivin -
Simulation of complex droplet dynamics using unified lattice Boltzmann method (ULBM)
G. Wang , Q. Wang , K. Luo
Corresponding Organizer:
Mauro Perego
(Sandia National Labratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Mauro Perego
(Sandia National Labratories)
CLDERA: Developing a Novel Foundational Approach for Attributing Localized Source Forcings in the Climate
D. Bull , K. Peterson , I. Tezaur , L. Shand , L. Swiler -
Facilitating atmospheric source inversion via deep operator network surrogates
M. Gulian , J. Hart , I. Manickam , L. Swiler -
Multiscale urban climate model coupling mesoscale meteorological model with all-physics model at urban microscale
D. Strebel , A. Kubilay , J. Carmeliet , D. Derome -
GungHo: A Mixed Finite-Element, Finite-Volume, Semi-Implicit Atmospheric Dynamical Core
J. Kent -
Application of the Eulerian-Lagrangian Point-Mass Particle Method to Localized Chemical and Aerosol Processes in the Atmosphere
E. Wenzel , B. Houchens
Corresponding Organizer:
Marc Gerritsma
(TU Delft)
Chaired by:
Mr. Marc Gerritsma
(TU Delft)
Structure preserving hybrid Finite Volume approach for solving the compressible MHD equations
E. Sonnendrücker , F. Fambri -
Vorticity dynamics with Discrete Exterior Calculus
P. Jagad , M. Parsani -
Towards analytic solutions of the Burger’s and the Euler equations
B. Gervang -
Structure-preserving discretisation of incompressible fluids on the rotating sphere
P. Cifani , M. Viviani , E. Luesink , B. Geurts , K. Modin -
Dual-field formulation for incompressible MHD equations
A. Palha
Corresponding Organizer:
Guglielmo Scovazzi
(Duke University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Guglielmo Scovazzi
(Duke University)
High-Order Embedded Boundary Methods for High Fidelity Flow Simulations
P. Brady , D. Livescu , C. Harnish , N. Sharan -
Immersed boundaries in hypersonic flows with considerations about high-order for LES simulations
F. Nauleau , H. Beaugendre , T. Bridel-Bertomeu , F. Vivodtzev -
A CutFEM divergence--free discretization for the Stokes problem
L. Haoran , M. Neilan , M. Olshanskii
Corresponding Organizer:
Rekha Rao
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Rekha Rao
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Silica Melt Formation, Flow, and Wetting Behavior
L. Collins , M. Martinez , S. Roberts -
Stability Analysis and Numerical Study of Stefan Problems for Embedded Computation of Moving Internal Boundaries
T. Carlier , B. Helenbrook , H. Beaugendre , M. Colin -
Modeling and optimization of polymer extrudate swell
P. Anderson , M. Spanjaards , M. Hulsen
Corresponding Organizer:
David Nordsletten
(University of Michigan)
Chaired by:
Dr. David Nordsletten
(University of Michigan)
Simulation of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Bioprosthetic Heart Valves using an Immersed Boundary Formulation with Variational Transfer
D. Obrist -
Blood Flow Patterns in Larger Aortic Roots Promote Thrombus Formation: The Missing Link Between Aortic Root Morphology and Transcatheter Aortic Heart Valve Thrombosis?
K. Bornemann , S. Jahren , P. Corso , C. Demirel , S. Stortecky , D. Obrist -
Computational Blood Damage Prediction Based on Eulerian Description of Flow-Induced Red Blood Cell Deformation
N. Dirkes , M. Behr -
Towards fluid-structure interaction modelling in intracranial aneurysms
A. Goetz , P. Jeken-Rico , R. Nemer , A. Larcher , E. Hachem
Corresponding Organizer:
Luca Dede'
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Dr. Luca Dede'
(Politecnico di Milano)
Computational analysis of turbulent flow structures in the left ventricle of the heart using patient-specific data
J. Kronborg , J. Hoffman -
A coupling strategy for a first 3D-1D model of the cardiovascular system
F. Caforio , C. Augustin , J. Alastruey , M. Gsell , A. Jung , G. Plank , G. Haase -
Computational Study of Intracardiac Flows
S. Bru , S. Mendez , F. Nicoud -
Optimising Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation using Computational Fluid Dynamics
G. Lopez Santana , A. De Rosis , A. Keshmiri -
Image-Based, Whole System Hemodynamic Modeling for Valvular Heart Diseases
M. Bonini , H. Tashman , S. Sanjay , M. Balimus , M. Hirschvogel , H. Xu , A. Young , Y. Ahmed , N. Burris , D. Nordsletten
Corresponding Organizer:
Artem Korobenko
(University of Calgary)
Chaired by:
Prof. Artem Korobenko
(University of Calgary)
An Embedded Strategy for Large Scale Incompressible Flow Simulations in moving domains
R. Codina , J. Baiges , I. Castañar , I. Martínez , L. Moreno , S. Parada -
The Aggregated Finite Element Method (AgFEM) for Fluid-Structure Interaction problems
S. Badia , O. Colomés , E. Neiva , F. Verdugo -
Space-Time Aggregated Finite Element Methods for Time-Dependent Problems on Moving Domains
S. Badia , H. Dilip , F. Verdugo -
Coupling Trace and Aggregated Finite Element Methods to learn how Surface Polarity patterns Animal Embryos
E. Neiva , H. Turlier -
Large-Scale Parallel Fluid Analysis Based on Domain Decomposition Using B-spline S-Version of Finite Element Method
N. Magome , N. Morita , N. Mitsume
Corresponding Organizer:
Alvaro Coutinho
(COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alvaro Coutinho
(COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Mesh-based graph neural networks surrogates for mechanics problems with changing domains
M. D'Elia -
Numerical modeling of bioinspired swimmers
M. Bergmann -
Multi-source modeling of complex flow problems for simulation and optimization application to aerospace
F. Di Fiore , L. Mainini -
Deep Learning for the Computational Simulation of Pollutant Transport: an Error Model Perspective
J. Honigbaum , R. Freitas , S. Zio , G. Guerra , F. Rochinha -
Reduced Order Modeling for Drug Release in Arteries with Drug-Eluting Stents
A. Ranno , F. Lespagnol , F. Ballarin , M. Behr , P. Zunino , S. Perotto
Corresponding Organizer:
Sergio Idelsohn
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Idelsohn
Dr. Juan Marcelo Gimenez
Modelling and simulation of multiscale particulate fluids and their interaction with structures
E. Oñate , J. Gimenez , S. R. Idelsohn -
Solving Particle-Laden Fluid Flows with a Continuous Approach
S. Idelsohn , J. Gimenez , E. Oñate -
Stabilized high-order CFD-DEM for the simulation of solid-fluid flows
B. Blais , L. Barbeau , T. El Geitani Nehme , V. Ferreira -
A finite element based model of Navier-Stokes equations in porous media for particle-laden flows
J. González-Usúa , G. Casas , I. De Pouplana , E. Oñate -
A numerical method for the study of gradient-based microfluidic cell sorting devices
G. Casas , J. Gonzalez , A. Sala
Corresponding Organizer:
Marco ten Eikelder
(TU Darmstadt )
Chaired by:
Dr. Marco ten Eikelder
(TU Darmstadt )
A Darcy–Cahn–Hilliard model of hydraulic fracturing with multiphase flow
A. Guével , C. Peco , Y. Meng , R. Juanes , J. Dolbow -
Phase change in porous media for heat exchanger applications
Y. Henrotel , D. Serret , D. Laboureur , O. Le Metayer -
Direct numerical simulation of reactive fluid in porous media
P. Laure -
Dynamics of turbulent mixing of two miscible fluids driven by Faraday instability under the influence of rotation
N. Singh , A. Pal -
Biomicrofluidic analysis of hematological diseases by means of mathematical biomechanical models and maching learning methods
A. Hernandez-Machado
Corresponding Organizer:
Per-Olof Persson
(University of California, Berkeley)
Chaired by:
Dr. Per-Olof Persson
(University of California, Berkeley)
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Turbulent Flows
N. Nguyen , J. Vila-Pérez , R. Loek Van Heyningen , J. Peraire -
Adaptive High-Order Large-Eddy Simulations through Dynamic Turbulence Closures
K. Fidkowski -
Toward iLES Simulation for Industrial Scale Problems
L. Martinelli , M. Lohry -
HORSES3D: a high order discontinuous Galerkin solver for flow simulations, including new developments using machine learning
E. Ferrer
Corresponding Organizer:
Paulo R. M. Lyra
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Chaired by:
Mr. Paulo R. M. Lyra
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Prof. Maicon Correa
(University of Campinas )
Rapid Screening of Geological Models Using a Multiscale-Accelerated Sequential Fully Implicit Reservoir Simulator
M. Tene , J. Natvig , F. Bratvedt , S. Watanabe , Z. Li , A. Kozlova , K. Bratvedt -
Reliable, Efficient, and Robust A-Posteriori Estimates for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations: Applications in Porous Media Flow
K. Mitra , M. Vohralik -
An enhanced multiscale model for porous media flows by means of an adaptive local trace mode analysis
P. Devloo , J. Fernandes , S. Gomes , D. de Siqueira -
Nitsche's and Mixed formulations of frictionless contact-mechanics for mixed-dimensional poro-mechanical models
L. Beaude , F. Chouly , M. Laaziri , R. Masson -
A computational model for black oil flow in poroelastic media
M. Correa , M. Murad
Corresponding Organizer:
Kai Luo
(University College London (UCL))
Chaired by:
Prof. Kai Luo
(University College London (UCL))
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of a Reacting Micro-mixer
F. Bukreev , J. Jeßberger , A. Kummerlander , M. J. Krause -
Large-eddy simulation of 1-m methanol pool fire using Lattice Boltzmann method
M. Taha , S. Zhao , A. Lamorlette , J. Consalvi , P. Boivin -
Lattice Boltzmann modelling of two-component two-phase transport at pore scale applied to convective drying of porous media
J. Carmeliet -
Lattice-Boltzmann Modelling of Supercritical Flows
F. Staedelin-Hoyo , S. Zhao , I. Raspo , G. Chiavassa , P. Boivin -
Turbulent boundary layer wall pressure in Hybrid Recursive Regularized Lattice Boltzmann using the Synthetic Eddy Method
T. Rossi , J. Jacob , P. Sagaut
Corresponding Organizer:
Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Differentiable programming for Hessian-based ocean climate observing system design in the North Atlantic
P. Heimbach , N. Loose , H. Pillar -
A Performance Portable Sea Ice Model Using the Discrete Element Method
K. Peterson , A. Turner , S. Nikolov , D. Bolintineanu , D. O'Connor , J. Clemmer -
An optimal modal finite-element discretization for ice-sheet modeling
M. Perego -
Multifidelity Deep Operator Networks with Applications to Ice Sheet Modeling
A. Howard , M. Perego , G. Karniadakis , P. Stinis
Corresponding Organizer:
Artur Palha
(Delft University of Technology)
Chaired by:
Dr. Artur Palha
(Delft University of Technology)
A Virtual Element Stokes Complex
L. Beirao da Veiga , G. Vacca -
Discretization of Navier-Stokes equation with compatible Virtual Elements
L. Beirao da Veiga , G. Vacca -
A new structure-preserving discretization for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Y. Zhang , A. Palha , M. Gerritsma , Q. Yao -
A Mass, Energy and Momentum Preserving Conga Scheme for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation
V. Carlier , M. Campos-Pinto -
Structure preserving discretization of the Euler equations in a Lagrangian formulation
J. Dekker , M. Gerritsma
Corresponding Organizer:
Thomas Wick
(Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH))
Chaired by:
Prof. Thomas Wick
(Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH))
Parallel Domain Decomposition Preconditioning Techniques for Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems
A. Heinlein , A. Klawonn , L. Saßmannshausen -
Adaptive Flow Modelling for Coupled Thin Film and Bulk Fluid Flow
P. Suchde -
Computational Study of Fingering Instability due to an Instantaneous Chemical Reaction in a Porous Medium
P. Verma , V. Sharma , M. Mishra -
Assessment of low-dissipation numerical methods for scalar transport in turbulent reacting flow
A. Blanco -
Online Learning for the Neural Network Multigrid Solver for the Navier-Stokes Equations and its Application to 3D Simulations
N. Margenberg , R. Jendersie , C. Lessig , T. Richter -
Reduced-Order Modeling for Parametrized Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations
H. Fischer , A. Fau , T. Wick
Corresponding Organizer:
Frederic Alauzet
Chaired by:
Mr. Frederic Alauzet
Prof. Coupez Thierry
(Mines Paris - PSL)
Automatic Mesh Optimization and Machine Learning: A Path to Enabling A Wider Use of Controlled-Accuracy 3D CFD in Industry
Goal-oriented anisotropic mesh adaptation methods for nonlinear boundary value problems
V. Dolejsi -
Adaptive Finite Elements with large aspect ratio for Aluminium Electrolysis
P. Passelli , M. Picasso -
Mesh Adaptation for RANS Simulation of a Film-Cooled Turbine Blade
L. Billon , F. Alauzet , A. Remigi -
Mesh Adaptation for the Industrial Simulation of Lifting Hydrofoils
J. Richeux , P. Robin , A. Leroyer , D. de Prémorel , J. Wackers
Corresponding Organizer:
Ethan Kubatko
(Ohio State University, Columbus)
Chaired by:
Mr. Ethan Kubatko
(Ohio State University, Columbus)
2D/3D Shallow Water and Transport Monolothic Model Coupling Advancements of the Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC
C. Trahan , M. Farthing , G. Choudhary , M. Loveland -
A new simulation model of snow avalanche accelerated by GPGPU technique
I. TSAI , T. Nakamura -
Relative Merits of Using Spaceborne GNSS-R Observations For Improving Storm Surge Simulations
M. Al-Khaldi , J. Johnson , Y. Kang , E. Kubatko -
Hybrid Approach in Surface Flow Modelling for Regional-Scale Flood Inundation Mapping
N. Dolojan , S. Moriguchi , M. Hashimoto , N. Tinh , H. Tanaka , K. Terada -
Sound field analysis based on acoustic wave theory and its auralization using VR technology
K. Kashiyama , K. Fukazawa , H. Miyauchi -
How Does Uncertainty Propagate In Coupled Systems?
N. Panda
Corresponding Organizer:
Michele Bucelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Mr. Michele Bucelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
GPU accelerated fluid-structure-electrophysiology simulations to investigate cardiac pathologies and medical devices
F. Viola , G. Del Corso , R. De Paulis , R. Verzicco -
Embedded approaches for fluid-structure interaction problems with application to the numerical simulations of bio-prosthetic aortic valves
M. Nestola , P. Zulian , P. Corso , D. Obrist , R. Krause -
Cardiac hemodynamics simulations with fluid-structure interaction and reduced valve modeling
O. Ruz , J. Diaz , M. Vidrascu , F. Vergnet , P. Moireau , D. Chapelle , M. Fernández -
Image-Based Computational Blood Dynamic Simulation in Presence of Mitral Valve Regurgitation
L. Bennati , I. Fumagalli , V. Giambruno , F. Renzi , A. Quarteroni , G. Puppini , G. Luciani , C. Vergara -
Study of the Kinetic Energy Anisotropy Over Spherical Shells Downstream of Stenotic and Bioprosthetic Aortic Valves
P. Corso , D. Obrist
Corresponding Organizer:
Oriol Colomés
(Delft University of Technology)
Chaired by:
Phd. Oriol Colomés
(Delft University of Technology)
Mathematical modeling of cardiac valve dynamics by a resistive method
I. Fumagalli , A. Zingaro , M. Bucelli , L. Dede' , A. Quarteroni -
Enriched Immersed Boundary Method for Interface-coupled Multi-physics and Applications to Convective Conjugate Heat Transfer
Z. Zhao , J. Yan -
An All-Speed Extended Discontinuous Galerkin Sharp Interface Solver for Simulating Hydrodynamics of Melting Materials
D. Henneaux , P. Schrooyen , P. Chatelain , T. Magin -
Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Floating Object subject to Free Surface Wave Loading using a Monolithic Approach with Unfitted Finite Elements
J. Modderman , O. Colomés -
AIMM for Fluid—Structure Interaction
R. Nemer , A. Larcher , E. Hachem
Corresponding Organizer:
Alvaro Coutinho
(COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Chaired by:
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Reconstructing Two-phase Flows Using Level-Set PINNs
R. Silva , M. Grave , A. Coutinho -
Pressure Field Reconstruction from Experimental Measurements on a Transonic Wing
P. des Boscs , N. Fabbiane , F. Nicolas , O. Marquet -
Efficient Finite Element Solution Methods formed from Artificial Neural Networks for Solving Complex Fluid Dynamics Problems
B. Chen , C. Heaney , C. Pain -
Reduced Model for Microscopic Lubricated Contact in Orthogonal Cutting
J. Lee , S. Elgeti -
Data-driven physics-informed and immersed boundary aware surrogate modeling of unsteady flows past moving bodies
R. Sundar , D. Majumdar , D. Lucor , S. Sarkar
Corresponding Organizer:
Eugenio Oñate
Chaired by:
Prof. Eugenio Oñate
Dr. Guillermo Casas
Data-driven modeling of the turbulence modulation phenomenon with the P-DNS method
J. Gimenez , E. Oñate , S. Idelsohn -
A framework for Lagrangian tracking of superellipsoidal particles in multiphase flows
J. Wedel , M. Štrakl , M. Hriberšek , P. Steinmann , J. Ravnik -
A novel superellipsoid particle collision method
J. Wedel , M. Štrakl , M. Hriberšek , P. Steinmann , J. Ravnik -
Lagrangian diffusion in a turbulent jet using Large-Eddy Simulation
L. Freire , T. Basset , R. Volk , G. Buscaglia , M. Bourgoin -
Unresolved FEM-DEM model for the penetration of a water droplet into hot granular materials
M. Henry , S. Dorbolo , J. Lambrechts , V. Legat
Corresponding Organizer:
Jacqueline H. Chen
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Prof. Antonio Huerta
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Corresponding Organizer:
Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Prof. Omar Ghattas
(The University of Texas at Austin)
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Reduced Models Based on Convex Displacement Interpolation
A. Iollo , S. Cucchiara , T. Taddei , H. Telib -
Registration-based model reduction of parameterized PDEs with spatio-parameter adaptivity
T. Taddei -
Structure-Preserving ROMs for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
B. Sanderse , H. Rosenberger , R. Klein -
Application of the Schwarz alternating method for the coupling of nonlinear solid mechanics-based and fluids-based full order models to nonlinear reduced order models
J. Barnett -
Partitioned Scheme for Coupling Heterogenous Numerical Methods, Including Reduced Order Models, Over Nonoverlapping Interfaces
A. de Castro , P. Kuberry , I. Tezaur , P. Bochev
Corresponding Organizer:
Krzysztof Fidkowski
(University of Michigan)
Chaired by:
Mr. Krzysztof Fidkowski
(University of Michigan)
An hp-HDG scheme for Friedrichs system
J. CHEN , G. Lee , S. Kang , T. Bui-Thanh -
A hybrid DG/FV framework for gas-gas and gas-liquid compressible flows
V. Maltsev , M. Skote , P. Tsoutsanis -
Adaptive Filtering for Hybrid DG-FV methods for Turbulent flows on Unstructured Meshes
D. Yuan , P. Tsoutsanis , X. Nogueira -
A High-order Dual Pressure Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
H. Elzaabalawy , G. Deng , M. Visonneau
Corresponding Organizer:
Maicon Correa
(University of Campinas )
Chaired by:
Prof. Maicon Correa
(University of Campinas )
Mr. Paulo R. M. Lyra
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
A high order, finite volume, multilevel WENO scheme for multidimensional, multiphase flow in porous media
T. Arbogast , C. Huang , C. Tian -
A stabilized numerical method for the Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer equations
G. Casas , J. González-Usúa , I. Pouplana , E. Oñate -
Compositional Fluid Flow Simulation in Petroleum Reservoirs Using High-Order Locally Conservative Formulations
M. Santos Galindo , I. Vasconcelos Lacerda , P. Maciel Lyra , D. Elisiário de Carvalho -
Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using a Projection-Based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model and Tetrahedral Unstructured Grids
T. Cavalcante , H. Hajibeygi , D. Carvalho , P. Lyra -
A very efficient preconditioner for mixed finite element approximations
P. Devloo , J. Fernandes , S. Gomes , M. Sarkis
Corresponding Organizer:
Pierre Boivin
Chaired by:
Mr. Pierre Boivin
Lattice Boltzmann modelling of interfacial mass transport and heterogeneous chemical reaction in the multiphase system
J. Yang , K. Luo -
Temperature wall function adaptation for LBM-LES simulations of a hot wall jet developing in a room
T. Gresse , L. Merlier , J. Jacob , F. Kuznik -
Lattice Boltzmann k-ω SST Based Hybrid RANS/LES Simulations of Turbulent Flows
S. Mozaffari , S. Cai , J. Jacob , P. Sagaut -
Study of CO2 desublimation during cryogenic carbon capture using lattice Boltzmann method
T. Lei , K. Luo , F. Hernandez Perez , J. Cano , H. Im -
A Flexible Quantum Lattice-Boltzmann Algorithm for the 3-D Linear Advection-Diffusion Equation with Spatially and Temporally Variable Velocity Field
D. Wawrzyniak , J. Winter , S. Schmidt , T. Indinger , C. Janßen , U. Schramm , N. Adams
Corresponding Organizer:
Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Chaired by:
Prof. Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Learning and Forecasting the Effective Dynamics of Complex Systems across Scales
P. Vlachas , G. Arampatzis , C. Uhler , P. Koumoutsakos -
Learned Turbulence Modelling with Differentiable Fluid Solvers: Physics-based Loss-functions and Optimisation Horizons
B. List , L. Chen , N. Thuerey -
Reinforcement learning-based optimisation of LES closure models
A. Beck , M. Kurz -
Structure-Preserving Machine Learning: Energy-Conserving Neural Network for Turbulence Closure-Modelling
T. van Gastelen , B. Sanderse , W. Edeling -
Towards model-based deep reinforcement learning for accelerated learning from simulations
A. Weiner , J. Geise
Corresponding Organizer:
Marc Gerritsma
(TU Delft)
Chaired by:
Mr. Marc Gerritsma
(TU Delft)
The Dual Field Method
A. Brugnoli , R. Rashad , S. Stramigioli -
On Kinetic-Energy-Preserving and Entropy-Preserving Numerical Schemes for Compressible Euler Equations
C. De Michele , G. Coppola -
An energy-preserving unconditionally stable method for DNS and LES simulations on unstructured grids
F. Trias , D. Santos , J. Hopman , A. Gorobets , A. Oliva -
Why are bundle-valued forms important for computational fluid dynamics?
R. Rashad , F. Califano , A. Brugnoli , S. Stramigioli -
Geometric Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Fluids and Plasmas
M. Kraus
Corresponding Organizer:
Thomas Wick
(Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH))
Chaired by:
Prof. Thomas Wick
(Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH))
A PU localization for space-time goal oriented adaptive refinement of non-stationary PDEs
J. Thiele , T. Wick -
Tensor-Product Space-Time Goal-Oriented Error Control and Adaptivity with Partition-of-Unity Dual-Weighted Residuals for Nonstationary Flow Problems
J. Roth , J. Thiele , T. Wick , U. Köcher -
Improved Multiscale Finite Element Methods for Advection-Dominated Problems
R. Biezemans -
A hybrid computational approach for flagellated motility in non-Newtonian fluids
C. Neal , R. Bearon , D. Smith , M. Gallagher -
A Fast and Matrix-Free Segregated Solution Approach to Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Discretized by Structure-Preserving Splines on Cartesian Grids
M. Mika , R. Hiemstra , M. ten Eikelder , D. Schillinger
Corresponding Organizer:
Coupez Thierry
(Mines Paris - PSL)
Chaired by:
Prof. Coupez Thierry
(Mines Paris - PSL)
Mr. Frederic Alauzet
A posteriori h-r-p Adaptation for Compressible Flows
K. Kirilov , J. Peiró , M. Green , D. Moxey , S. Sherwin -
Predicting near-optimal meshes for CFD simulations
C. Lock , O. Hassan , R. Sevilla , J. Jones -
Ray-tracing laser heat source model with adaptive ray resolution for laser-based manufacturing process simulations
Y. Lin , M. Afrasiabi , M. Bambach -
A Metric-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement method for elliptic equations based on quadtree/octree grids
L. Prouvost , A. Belme , D. Fuster
Corresponding Organizer:
Kazuo Kashiyama
(Chuo University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Kazuo Kashiyama
(Chuo University)
An Explicit Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compound Flood Modeling
E. Valseth , C. Dawson , C. Wichitrnithed , E. Kubatko , Y. Kang , M. Hudson -
A Split-Explicit second order Runge-Kutta method for solving 3D hydrodynamic equations
A. Ishimwe , J. Lambrechts , V. Legat , E. Deeersnijder -
A 2D-3D coupling strategy for MPM-FEM hybrid analysis of landslide-induced tsunamis
S. Pan , R. Nomura , S. Takase , S. Moriguchi , K. Terada -
On the flow conditions requiring detailed geometric modeling for multiscale evaluation of coastal forest
R. Nomura , S. Takase , S. Moriguchi , K. Terada -
RANS Simulation of Traffic-Related Air Pollutant Dispersion in Paris and Smart Placement of Depolluting Panels
T. Hamada , R. Chakir , F. Dugay , D. Lejri , J. Waeytens -
MATLAB-based application for generating automatic unstructured meshes for coastal ocean modeling
V. Sarsani , E. Kubatko
Corresponding Organizer:
Ivan Fumagalli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Dr. Ivan Fumagalli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Traversing Model and Method Hierarchies in Biomedical Flow Simulations
M. Behr -
An Efficient Numerical Workflow for the Optimal Design of Stents
N. Ferro , F. Mezzadri , S. Perotto , D. Carbonaro , C. Chiastra , D. Gallo , U. Morbiducci -
Modeling and Simulation of Pathological Blood Coagulation Under the Consideration of Distinct Pathways for Prothrombin Activation
T. Bongartz , A. Piergentili , G. Rossetti , M. Behr -
Towards Efficient Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Simulations Using Trilinos
A. Klawonn , N. Kubicki , M. Lanser
Corresponding Organizer:
John Evans
(University of Colorado)
Chaired by:
Prof. John Evans
(University of Colorado)
An Explicit Shifted Boundary Method (SBM) for Compressible Inviscid Flows
X. Zeng , G. Scovazzi -
A Lagrange multiplier formulation for the finite element discretization of FSI
N. Alshehri , D. Boffi , F. Credali , L. Gastaldi -
An Energy-Conserving Scheme for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Contact
N. Dirani , L. Monasse -
Interpolation-Based Immersed Finite Element and Isogeometric Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flow
J. Evans , N. Wunsch , K. Maute , J. Fromm , R. Xiang , H. Zhao , D. Kamensky
Corresponding Organizer:
Daniele Schiavazzi
(University of Notre Dame)
Chaired by:
Prof. Daniele Schiavazzi
(University of Notre Dame)
Phd. Benigno Marco Fanni
(Fondazione Toscana G. Monasterio)
Wall Shear Stress Topological Skeleton Analysis to Decipher the Interaction Between Arterial Hemodynamics and Vascular Biology
U. Morbiducci -
Networks-based characterization of arterial flow spatiotemporal complexity
D. Gallo , K. Calò , A. Guala , S. Scarsoglio , L. Ridolfi , U. Morbiducci -
Simulation of patient-specific atherosclerotic plaque growth in the carotid arteries
M. Salvetti , M. Morello , J. Singh , K. Capellini , S. Garzia , A. Mariotti , S. Celi -
A moving boundary meshless method to investigate thoracic aorta hemodynamics based on CT images and mesh morphing technique
K. Capellini , F. Dell'Agnello , E. Gasparotti , E. Vignali , M. Scarpolini , E. Maffei , A. Clemente , F. Cademartiri , S. Celi -
Data-enhanced personalized models for coronary hemodynamics and myocardial perfusion
K. Menon , Z. Sexton , O. Khan , D. Schiavazzi , K. Nieman , A. Marsden
Corresponding Organizer:
Lilia Krivodonova
(University of Waterloo)
Chaired by:
Prof. Lilia Krivodonova
(University of Waterloo)
A Nodally Bound Preserving Finite Element Method
G. Barrenechea , E. Georgoulis , T. Pryer , A. Veeser -
Algebraic flux correction for hyperbolic systems: State of the art
D. Kuzmin -
Bathymetry Reconstruction via Optimal Control in Well-Balanced Finite Element Methods for the Shallow Water Equations
F. Ruppenthal , D. Kuzmin
Corresponding Organizer:
Irene Vignon-Clementel
Chaired by:
Prof. Elie Hachem
(Mines ParisTech)
Blood flow simulations for disease and surgical treatment understanding
I. Vignon-Clementel
Corresponding Organizer:
Spencer Sherwin
(Imperial Collage London, UK)
Chaired by:
Prof. Pierre Sagaut
(Université Aix-Marseille)
Corresponding Organizer:
Ramon Codina
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Chaired by:
Dr. Frédéric Feyel
(Safran Group)
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthew Zahr
(University of Notre Dame)
Chaired by:
Dr. Vincent MOUREAU
Fri, 28/04/2023
12:45 - 13:45
12:45 - 13:45
Corresponding Organizer:
Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
GNN-based physics surrogate for predicting PDE solutions
M. D’Elia , R. Gladstone , H. Meidani , A. Zareei -
Latent space data assimilation with uncertainty quantification using deep learning
N. Mücke , B. Sanderse , S. Bohté , C. Oosterlee -
Exploiting AI Libraries for Solving Discretised Systems of Partial Differential Equations (AI4HFM): Demonstrated for Stokes Flow
C. Heaney , B. Chen , J. Xiang , J. Latham , C. Pain -
Grid Adjacency-based Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Fluid Dynamics and Fluid-Structure Interaction Applications
L. Gkimisis , T. Richter , P. Benner
Corresponding Organizer:
Ngoc-Cuong Nguyen
Chaired by:
Dr. Ngoc-Cuong Nguyen
Stabilization Techniques for High-Order Flux Reconstruction Schemes
A. Cicchino , S. Nadarajah -
Positivity-preserving entropy-based adaptive filtering for discontinuous spectral element methods
T. Dzanic , F. Witherden -
On the performance of different sets of variables for the discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the Euler equations
E. Carnevali , L. Alberti , A. Colombo , A. Crivellini , A. Nigro -
A Matrix-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flow
R. Van Heyningen , N. Nguyen , J. Peraire
Corresponding Organizer:
Paulo R. M. Lyra
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Chaired by:
Mr. Paulo R. M. Lyra
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Prof. Maicon Correa
(University of Campinas )
Accurate characterization of flow transitions in porous media
Y. Jobic , M. Médale -
Transmissibility Upscaling in Multi-Layered Faulted Reservoirs Incorporating Geomechanical Effects
E. S. Castro , J. S. Barroso , M. A. Murad , J. N. Guerreiro -
Direct Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection in a Pool Containing an Internally Heated Porous Medium
V. Hamtiaux , P. Ruyer , Y. Bartosiewicz -
Latest developments on the Multiscale Robin Coupled Method for flows in heterogeneous porous media
F. Sousa , F. Rocha , L. Meacci , R. Ausas , G. Buscaglia , R. Guiraldello , F. Pereira
Corresponding Organizer:
Kai Luo
(University College London (UCL))
Chaired by:
Prof. Kai Luo
(University College London (UCL))
Modelling drop mobility on lubricated surfaces using a ternary free energy lattice Boltzmann algorithm
C. Semprebon , S. Orozco-Fuentes -
High subsonic turbulent internal flow simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method with mass correction
Simulation of particulate pipe flow with heat transfer using a thermal immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method
F. Gharibi , S. Hosseini , D. Th ́evenin -
Shock wave interaction with rotating geometries: Lattice Boltzmann approach
H. YOO , J. Favier , P. Sagaut -
Formulation of Neumann boundary conditions for arbitrary domains
O. Boolakee , M. Geier , L. De Lorenzis
Corresponding Organizer:
Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Chaired by:
Prof. Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Neural-network-based mixed subgrid-scale model for turbulent flow
Y. Jeon , M. Kang , D. You -
Using Machine Learning to Predict Reynolds Stress in Flows Over a Surface-Mounted Solid and Porous Block
A. Man , A. Keshmiri , H. Yin , Y. Mahmoudi Larimi -
POD-mode-augmented Wall Model and its Applications to Flows at Non-equilibrium Conditions
C. Hansen , X. Yang , M. Abkar -
Enhancement of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction Physics-Based Models: A Data-Driven Perspective
R. da Silva Machado de Freitas , A. Pequin , R. Malpica Galassi , A. Parente -
Reconstruction of Turbulent Flows Using Generative Diffusion Models
M. Sardar , A. Skillen , M. J. Zimoń , S. Draycott , A. Revell
Corresponding Organizer:
Artur Palha
(Delft University of Technology)
Chaired by:
Dr. Artur Palha
(Delft University of Technology)
Variational and Thermodynamically Consistent Discretization for Heat Conducting Fluids
F. Gay-Balmaz , E. Gawlik -
Structure-preserving, high-order, oscillation-limiting (SPHOOL) transport operators in discrete exterior calculus
C. Eldred -
Towards Structure Preserving Discretizations of Stochastic Rotating Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere
W. Bauer , R. Brecht , L. Li , E. Memin -
Variational approaches with Geometry-Energy-Entropy compatibility applied to numerical schemes for single- and multi-fluid flows
A. Llor
Corresponding Organizer:
Diane Guignard
(University of Ottawa)
Chaired by:
Ms. Diane Guignard
(University of Ottawa)
Optimal adaptive methods for fluid dynamics
M. Feischl -
An integrated adaptive finite element method
K. Kergrene , J. Papez , A. Miraci , M. Vohralik , A. Ern -
A posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Allen-Cahn problem on polytopic meshes
Z. Dong -
Error Estimation for the Time to a Threshold Value for the Shallow Water Equations
J. Chaudhry , D. Estep , T. Giannini , Z. Stevens , S. Tavener
Corresponding Organizer:
Marco Picasso
Chaired by:
Prof. Marco Picasso
Vortex-Vortex Interactions on Multi-Swept Delta Wing Fighters - Turbulence Closure Assessment with Anisotropic Adaptive Mesh Refinement
M. Visonneau , E. Guilmineau -
Parallel Simulation for Fast-Moving Landslides: Space-Time Mesh Adaptation and Sharp Tracking of the Wetting Front
F. Gatti , M. Fois , C. de Falco , S. Perotto , L. Formaggia -
High-Order Mesh Warping Using a Hyperelastic Material Model
F. Mohammadi , S. Shontz -
High-Fidelity Simulations of Interfacial Two-Phase Flows on Adaptive Unstructured Grids
V. Moureau , F. Pecquery , J. Carmona , P. Bénard , G. Lartigue , M. Cailler , J. Leparoux , R. Mercier -
Optimal Anisotropic Finite Element Meshes for Multiphase Flow Dynamics
T. Coupez
Corresponding Organizer:
Eirik Valseth
(The University of Oslo and The University of Texas at Austin)
Chaired by:
Dr. Eirik Valseth
(The University of Oslo and The University of Texas at Austin)
Application of lattice Boltzmann method in wind turbine wake study considering the influence of atmospheric stability
Z. wang , J. Jacob , F. Marlow , P. Sagaut -
Mesh-Based Boundary Model of Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Wave¬–Structure Interaction Problems
N. Mitsume , T. Tsunemi , H. Omura -
Application of a multidimensional hydrodynamic model and a methodology for the acquisition and incorporation of the required input data
Y. Kang , E. Kubatko -
Space-Time DG with Non-Matching Spatial Meshes
T. Horvath , S. Rhebergen -
Implementation and assessment of parametric wind and rainfall models into storm surge modeling
E. Kubatko , M. Hudson , Y. Kang , A. Sines
Corresponding Organizer:
Michele Bucelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Mr. Michele Bucelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Parametric solvers for simulation of blood flows
M. Fernández , D. Lombardi , S. Riffaud -
Impact of Turbulence Modeling on the Full and Reduced Simulations of Aortic Blood Flow
S. Katz , A. Caiazzo , J. Brüning , L. Goubergrits , V. John -
Influence of Boundary Conditions and Peripheral Flow on the Simulation of Intracranial Aneurysm Haemodynamics
P. Jeken Rico , A. Goetz , A. Larcher , E. Hachem -
Wall parameters in a carotid bifurcation phantom: comparison of 4D flow MRI measurements with computational fluid dynamics
A. Mokhtari , P. Corso , A. Harloff , B. André Jung , D. Obrist
Corresponding Organizer:
Guglielmo Scovazzi
(Duke University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Guglielmo Scovazzi
(Duke University)
phi-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets
D. Michel , L. Alexei , L. Vanessa -
On a distributed Lagrange multiplier approach for FSI problems
N. Alshehri , D. Boffi , F. Credali , L. Gastaldi , S. Scacchi -
An Immerse Domain Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Contact
P. Zulian , M. Nestola , M. Alloush , L. Mangani , E. Casartelli , R. Krause -
The Immersed Boundary Method: A SIMPLE Approach
Y. Feldman
Corresponding Organizer:
Simona Celi
(Fondazione Toscana G Monasterio)
Chaired by:
Dr. Simona Celi
(Fondazione Toscana G Monasterio)
Phd. Benigno Marco Fanni
(Fondazione Toscana G. Monasterio)
Role Of Left Atrial Morphology And In-silico Haemodynamics In Thrombus Formation
J. Mill , C. Albors , M. Saiz , A. Olivares , O. Camara -
Integrating experiments, numerical simulations and clinical exams for patient-specific hemodynamic analyses
A. Mariotti , M. Morello , J. Singh , E. Vignali , E. Gasparotti , M. Salvetti , S. Celi -
Data-driven Assisted, Ensemble Modeling for Soft Tissue Biomechanics
G. Tong , D. Schiavazzi -
Numerical Simulation of the Cavopulmonary Connection Flow with Conduit Stenosis of Varying Configurations
M. Timofeeva , C. Lav , M. Cheung , A. Ooi -
A Comprehensive Numerical Workflow for the Image-Based Estimation of In-Vivo Vascular Wall Mechanical Properties
B. M. Fanni , A. Pizzuto , G. Santoro , S. Celi
Corresponding Organizer:
Dmitri Kuzmin
(TU Dortmund University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Dmitri Kuzmin
(TU Dortmund University)
On the TVD property of second order methods for 2D scalar conservation laws
L. Krivodonova , A. Smirnov -
High order quasi-conservative discontinuous Galerkin schemes for hyperbolic systems in primitive variables
E. Gaburro , W. Boscheri , S. Chiocchetti , M. Ricchiuto -
Entropy-Stable Gauss Collocation Methods for Magneto-Hydrodynamics
A. Rueda-Ramírez , J. Chan , F. Hindenlang , G. Gassner -
Direct Enforcement of Entropy Balance in a Discontinuous Galerkin method
L. Alberti , E. Carnevali , A. Colombo , A. Crivellini , A. Nigro -
Doubly monotonic slope-and-bound interpolators to cancel the “numerical wetting” of transport schemes
J. Perlat , A. Llor
Corresponding Organizer:
Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Towards Real Time Bayesian Inversion and Prediction of Megathrust Tsunamis
O. Ghattas , S. Henneking -
Digital twins of breast tumours for characterising response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
R. Collet , Z. Taylor , D. Buckley -
Application of Reduced-Order Modeling in Context of Plastics Profile Extrusion
D. Hilger , N. Hosters -
Ensemble Kalman Filter Experiments with Continuous Glass Melting Process Simulation
T. Seki , T. Miyoshi
Corresponding Organizer:
Krzysztof Fidkowski
(University of Michigan)
Chaired by:
Mr. Krzysztof Fidkowski
(University of Michigan)
High-Order Accurate Finite Difference Discretisations on Fully Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes
Y. Pan , P. Persson -
Adaptive Flux Corrected Transport FEM for hyperbolic equations stemming from conservation laws
T. Devos , E. Hachem , A. Larcher -
The Effect of Upwinding on High-Order Shock-Fitting Schemes
B. Helenbrook , T. Ball , A. Mazaheri , M. Ricchiuto -
On the use of NURBS-based domains for Discontinuous Galerkin methods
R. Duvigneau , S. Pezzano -
High-Order Implicit Shock Tracking for Time-Dependent Flows
C. Naudet
Corresponding Organizer:
Ishaan Desai
(University of Stuttgart)
Chaired by:
Mr. Ishaan Desai
(University of Stuttgart)
Creating Partitioned Coupled Approaches using the Multiscale Universal Interface Coupling Library
S. Longshaw , O. Mahfoze , W. Liu , D. Emerson -
preCICE: A user-friendly coupling ecosystem for efficient multi-physics simulations
G. Chourdakis , K. Davis , I. Desai , B. Rodenberg , D. Schneider , M. Schulte , F. Simonis , B. Uekermann -
Recent Advantages of Simplex Space-Time Finite Elements for Fluid-Structure Interaction
N. Hosters , P. Antony , M. von Danwitz , D. Hilger , M. Make , T. Spenke , M. Behr -
A Mixed-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Model of a Capped-T-ring Seal Based on a Modified Reynolds Equation
A. Feria Alanis , M. Skote , P. Tsoutsanis , A. Antoniadis -
A Multiphase Fluid-Fluid and Fluid-Structure Coupling Framework based on PreCICE for Marine Applications
R. Tan , X. Guo , L. Qian , D. Greaves -
A Model-Based Simulation Framework for Coupled Acoustics, Dynamics, and Damage
Y. Liu , J. Dolbow
Unsteady 1D Gas Dynamics in Ejectors: a Pipeline Analogy
J. Van den Berghe , B. Dias , Y. Bartosiewicz , M. Mendez -
Rheological model for tumor cell progression and metastasis
L. Daraf , Y. Feldman -
Numerical Investigation of an Air Ejector Behavior in the Transient Operating Conditions of Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) Engine Bleed Systems
J. Vemula , M. Duponcheel , Y. Bartosiewicz -
Reaction Induced Kelvin-Helmholtz Roll-ups
S. Maharana , M. Mishra -
Automatic Structured Grid Generation for Flow Analysis about Counter-Rotating Coaxial Drone Rotors
H. Jang , H. Kim , B. KIM -
Fast data assimilation of sparse measurements for time extrapolation of main flow patterns
V. Resseguier , L. Wallian , D. Heitz
Corresponding Organizer:
Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Chaired by:
Prof. Heng Xiao
( University of Stuttgart)
Learning Turbulence Models from Data: A Unified Perspective of Data Assimilation and Machine Learning
X. Zhang , H. Xiao , X. Luo -
Adaptive Correction of a RANS Model for Separated Flow Fields
S. Heo , Y. Yun , M. Jeong , S. Jee -
Reynolds Stress Anisotropy Tensor Predictions using Neural Networks
J. Cai , P. Angeli , J. Martinez , G. Damblin , D. Lucor -
Assessment of a Data-Driven RANS Model for Various Separated Flows
Y. Yun , S. Heo , M. Jeong , S. Jee -
Active flow control on 2D wings and separation in boundary layers through deep reinforcement learning
F. Alcántara-Ávila , P. Suárez , A. Miró , J. Rabault , B. Font , O. Lehmkhul , R. Vinuesa
Cartesian Mesh based Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Zero-Thickness Corrugated Airfoil Optimization
M. Kanazaki , T. Imamura -
Using Automatic Differentiation to Explore the State Space of Chaotic Flows
A. Cleary , J. Page -
Isogeometric Analysis of New Efficient Moving Mesh Technique for elliptic problems based on Optimal Transport Problem
B. Mustapha , A. RATNANI , A. HABBAL -
Simulation of Spray Cooling with Impact on a Wire Mesh Inducing a Water Film
D. Thomas , S. Zaleski , S. Lacour -
Analysis of Steady-State and Time Dependent Phenomena in a Supersonic Air Ejector Using Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation
R. Debroeyer , G. Winckelmans , T. Toulorge , M. Rasquin , Y. Bartosiewicz
Corresponding Organizer:
Kenan Kergrene
Chaired by:
Prof. Kenan Kergrene
Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection--Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs
D. Silvester , B. Kent , C. Powell , M. Zimon ́ -
Gradients evaluation in mixed-element meshes
C. Tarsia Morisco , L. Tenkès , J. Vanharen , F. Alauzet -
Verification of a viscoelastic fluid flow code by the Method of Manufactured Solution
J. Organista , L. Souza -
Goal-Oriented Mesh Adaptation using Optimal Approaches
S. Prudhomme , D. Guignard , K. Kergrene , J. Vacher
Corresponding Organizer:
Marco Picasso
Chaired by:
Prof. Marco Picasso
Anisotropic adaptive body-fitted meshes for CFD
S. El Aouad , A. Larcher , E. Hachem -
A new Spalart-Allmaras model with rotation correction to improve off-body vortex prediction and vortex-vortex interaction effects
F. Alauzet , P. Spalart -
Metric-based Curvilinear Mesh Adaptation on Lagrangian Coherent Structures
A. Bawin , A. Garon , J. Remacle -
7th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop results using anisotropic mesh adaptation
J. Vanharen , C. Tarsia Morisco , F. Alauzet -
A posteriori error estimation on anisotropic meshes
N. Kopteva
Corresponding Organizer:
Alain Dervieux
Chaired by:
Mr. Alain Dervieux
Scale-Resolving Simulation of Flow Separation with a Sensor-Based Eddy Viscosity Model
E. Tangermann , M. Klein -
Influence of Engine Exhaust on Wing Underside Flow for a Passenger Aircraft
J. Mueller , K. Chiba , Y. Oba -
Minimum-Dissipation Model for Large Eddy Simulation using OpenFOAM
J. Sun , R. Verstappen -
Assessment of turbulence hybrid models with transition modeling for the simulation of massively separated flows
F. Miralles , B. Sauvage , S. Wornom , B. Koobus , A. Dervieux -
Towards Resolving Natural Shock Oscillation and Mitigation of Altitude Excitation in a Transonic Fan
P. Nel , S. Pirozzoli , M. Swoboda , J. Weiss , P. Grothe -
Towards efficient simulation of turbulent flows and noise in rotating machines
I. Abalakin , V. Bobkov , V. Tsvetkova , B. Sauvage , F. Miralles , T. Kozubskaya , S. Wornom , B. Koobus , A. Dervieux
Corresponding Organizer:
Ivan Fumagalli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Dr. Ivan Fumagalli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Potts shunt for the treatment of suprasystemic pulmonary artery hypertension: geometric multiscale and reduced models
S. Pant , A. Sizarov , A. Knepper , G. Gossard , A. Noferi , Y. Boudjemline , I. Vignon-Clementel -
Graph Neural Networks to Predict Vascular Junction Pressure Losses for Reduced-Order Cardiovascular Modeling
N. Rubio , L. Pegolotti , M. Pfaller , J. Pham , E. Darve , A. Marsden -
Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Modelling of Aneurysm Haemodynamics Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Neural Networks
M. MacRaild , A. Sarrami-Foroushani , T. Lassila , N. Ravikumar , A. Frangi -
Virtual tracer transport simulations in mouse brain cortex CSF spaces
T. Koch , V. Vinje , K. Mardal -
Quantifying Perfusion Changes of Microvascular Disturbances Across Scales
F. Schmid , R. Epp , P. Jenny
Corresponding Organizer:
Sujal Dave
(University of Calgary)
Chaired by:
Mr. Sujal Dave
(University of Calgary)
Fluttering induced flow numerical study
K. Goncharuk , Y. Feldman , O. Oshri -
A Weak Coupling between a Near-Wall Eulerian solver and a Vortex Particle-Mesh Method for the Efficient Simulation of 2D External Flows
P. Billuart , Y. Marchal , G. Lartigue , P. Bénard , M. Duponcheel , G. Winckelmans , P. Chatelain -
Pressure boundary conditions for immersed-boundary methods
I. Yildiran , F. Capuano , Y. Loke , E. Balaras -
A Performant High-Accuracy lattice Boltzmann Boundary Condition for Fluid-Structure Interaction
J. de Santana Neto , F. Marson , J. Latt , B. Chopard