MS1-04A Data-driven simulation of flow and fluid-structure-interaction problems
Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Alvaro Coutinho (COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alvaro Coutinho (COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil)
Prof. Alvaro Coutinho (COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil)
Scheduled presentations:
Mesh-based graph neural networks surrogates for mechanics problems with changing domains
M. D'Elia* -
Numerical modeling of bioinspired swimmers
M. Bergmann* -
Multi-source modeling of complex flow problems for simulation and optimization application to aerospace
F. Di Fiore*, L. Mainini -
Deep Learning for the Computational Simulation of Pollutant Transport: an Error Model Perspective
J. Honigbaum, R. Freitas, S. Zio, G. Guerra, F. Rochinha* -
Reduced Order Modeling for Drug Release in Arteries with Drug-Eluting Stents
A. Ranno*, F. Lespagnol, F. Ballarin, M. Behr, P. Zunino, S. Perotto