First of all,
you have to create an account and accept the terms of use of the registration site. Once logged in, you will be
able to register by following the link My Congress. There, please select the
type of registration, introduce the billing information, and complete the payment.
Should you have any questions related to financial issues (payments and invoices), please contact: financialsupport@cimne.upc.edu
Registration Fees
Late-bird Registration fee (after February 23, 2023) | |
Students (*) | 450€ |
Delegates | 730€ |
Social Programme (for non-presenting authors) | |
Welcome Cocktail | 45€ |
Gala Dinner | 160€ |
Accompanying person (Welcome Cocktail and Gala Dinner) | 200€ |
(*) Student registration fee: full time students only. Student rate attendees must send by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat a letter from their Department Head/Chair that states that the attendee is a full time student.
(**) Welcome cocktail and gala dinner are only included for authors.
(***) IACM members will have a 5% deduction on the delegates fees. To apply, please submit to the Conference Secretariat a written proof (downloadable form) of being a current member of one of the National Associations affiliated to IACM
Additional information:
The fee rates are V.A.T. excluded (net amount). A 10% V.A.T will be applicable to international participants, except for participants with a French V.A.T.
Registration fees also include: Conference proceedings, attendance at all scientific
sessions, coffee breaks, reception and banquet.
Payment confirmation notification will be sent to the recorded e-mail
address, once your payment is processed successfully.
Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by
the presenting author during the early-bird period. This is a requirement to get the presentation
included in the Conference programme.
Refund policy: Non-author registrants who cannot attend, and do not
send a substitute, will receive a refund on their registration fee with a cancellation fee of 100 Euro
if the refund request is received by March 9, 2023. NO refund is admitted after
this date.
There will be no refund to the author registrants. In this case the paid fees can be
applied to a substitute speaker.