MS7-10A Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics on High-Performance Computing Systems
Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Norbert Hosters (RWTH Aachen University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Norbert Hosters (RWTH Aachen University , Germany)
Dr. Norbert Hosters (RWTH Aachen University , Germany)
Scheduled presentations:
Flow Simulations on Four-Dimensional Meshes
M. von Danwitz*, F. Key, N. Hosters, M. Behr -
Matrix-Free Variational Multiscale Methods for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows
L. Prieto Saavedra*, B. Blais -
Robustness and Performance of Logarithm-Conformation Methods for Viscoelastic Flow Problems
F. Becker*, K. Rauthmann, L. Pauli, P. Knechtges -
Solving Stokes Flow with Hybrid ML-Simulation Methods
F. Griese*, P. Knechtges, A. Rüttgers -
A macroelement hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin solver applied to two- and three-dimensional advection-diffusion
V. Badrkhani*, R. R. Hiemstra, D. Schillinger -
Massively Parallel Fourier Transform: Application to the Unbounded Poisson Equation and Performance Analysis
P. Balty*, P. Chatelain, T. Gillis