MS2-01D Computational Techniques for Cardiovascular Blood Flow and FSI Simulations
Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Johan Hoffman (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Chaired by:
Mr. Johan Hoffman (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm , Sweden)
Mr. Johan Hoffman (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm , Sweden)
Scheduled presentations:
Fluid-Structure Interaction Model of the Human Heart
L. Abdala*, M. Davey, C. Puelz, S. Rossi, M. Smith, D. Wells, B. Griffith -
A stabilized method for high Peclet number Advection-Diffusion-Reaction systems in Cardiac and Vascular applications
M. Balmus*, M. Bonini, A. Qureshi, A. de Vecchi, O. Aslanidi, D. Nordsletten -
Efficient Multi-Fidelity Estimation of Boundary Conditions for Cardiovascular Hemodynamics
J. Richter*, L. Pegolotti, K. Menon, J. Nitzler, J. Biehler, D. Schiavazzi, A. Marsden, M. Pfaller -
Simulating The Left Ventricle with Implanted Left Ventricular Assist Device Using a Finite Element Method And MRI-Based Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions
M. Schuster*, M. Behr, N. Hosters -
A Volume-of-Fluid Method of Modeling Thrombus Embolization Applied to Flow Through a Plain Tube
N. Tobin*, K. Manning