MS5-02A Computational Fluid Mechanics with Free and Moving Boundaries: Methods and Applications
Corresponding Organizer: Dr. David Noble (Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. David Noble (Sandia National Laboratories , United States) , Dr. Rekha Rao (Sandia National Laboratories , United States)
Dr. David Noble (Sandia National Laboratories , United States) , Dr. Rekha Rao (Sandia National Laboratories , United States)
Scheduled presentations:
Numerical study of strand deposition using a boundary-conforming approach
F. Gonzalez*, S. Elgeti, M. Behr -
Modeling Direct Ink Write Using Finite Elements and cThruAMR
A. Kucala*, R. Rao, J. Kopatz, A. Grillet -
Combining a level-set method and a stabilized P1/P1 formulation for coupling transient Stokes-Darcy flows: application to particle deposition growth in suspension filtration
A. Badia*, N. Moulin, R. Ferrier, C. Descamps, S. Drapier -
High-fidelity modeling of keyhole dynamics during laser melting of metals using interface-conformal meshes
T. Allen, J. Fraser, S. Lin*, M. Martinez, D. Moser, B. Simonds -
Droplet Impact onto Smooth and Porous Solid Surfaces: Combined Experimental Measurements and Multi-physics/Machine Learning Modeling
V. Yurkiv*, R. Granda, A. Yarin, F. Mashayek