MS6-04B Adaptive meshes: from theory to industrial applications
Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Coupez Thierry (Mines Paris - PSL)
Chaired by:
Prof. Coupez Thierry (Mines Paris - PSL , France) , Mr. Frederic Alauzet (Inria , France)
Prof. Coupez Thierry (Mines Paris - PSL , France) , Mr. Frederic Alauzet (Inria , France)
Scheduled presentations:
A posteriori h-r-p Adaptation for Compressible Flows
K. Kirilov*, J. Peiró, M. Green, D. Moxey, S. Sherwin -
Predicting near-optimal meshes for CFD simulations
C. Lock*, O. Hassan, R. Sevilla, J. Jones -
Ray-tracing laser heat source model with adaptive ray resolution for laser-based manufacturing process simulations
Y. Lin*, M. Afrasiabi, M. Bambach -
A Metric-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement method for elliptic equations based on quadtree/octree grids
L. Prouvost, A. Belme, D. Fuster*