MS7-07A Structure preserving discretisations for CFD
Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft)
Chaired by:
Mr. Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft , Netherlands)
Mr. Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft , Netherlands)
Scheduled presentations:
Structure preserving hybrid Finite Volume approach for solving the compressible MHD equations
E. Sonnendrücker*, F. Fambri -
Vorticity dynamics with Discrete Exterior Calculus
P. Jagad*, M. Parsani -
Towards analytic solutions of the Burger’s and the Euler equations
B. Gervang* -
Structure-preserving discretisation of incompressible fluids on the rotating sphere
P. Cifani, M. Viviani, E. Luesink*, B. Geurts, K. Modin -
Dual-field formulation for incompressible MHD equations
A. Palha*