MS7-06 - Scale-resolving simulation of massively separated flows and rotating machines
Scale-resolving simulation of massively separated flows relies frequently on extensions of statistical turbulence modeling with the introduction of LES-type scale-resolving capacities. The approach includes DES methods, hybrid RANS-LES methods, PANS...We refer to the review [1]. It is more CPU expensive but yields more accurate predictions in many configurations. Further, these methods enable to predict noise emission by adapting the conditions of the computation and coupling with acoustic models.
Still large research efforts are necessary for improving accuracy and efficiency of this family of methods.
The mini-symposium will discuss advances in these two directions with an emphasis on the perspective of a better simulation of flows in rotating machines. Rotating machines involve rotating devices like turbo-machines, wind turbines, future aerial taxis,...
Therefore the mini-symposium would cover works on new DES and hybrid models, and new numerical approaches, including:
- methods for taking into account the rotation,
- higher order methods and
- mesh adaptation methods,
and proposing applications, with emphasis on rotating machines.