
MS1-04 - Data-driven simulation of flow and fluid-structure-interaction problems

Organized by: G. Rozza (SISSA mathLab), A. Reali (University of Pavia) and A. Coutinho (COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Data-driven simulation methods are becoming extremely important as a tool to get insight in complex flows and fluid-structure-interaction problems. Firmly rooted in advances in data science and scientific machine learning, data-driven methods are having a tremendous impact in digital twins, flow control, forecasting, and many other fields [1,2,3]. The purpose of this mini-symposium is to gather experts from the computational fluid mechanics community, as well as applied mathematicians and computer scientists to discuss the advancements in data-driven methods for simulation of flow and fluid-structure-interaction problems. Contributions are welcome in the applications of data-driven methods in challenging problems, new methods and algorithms, computational aspects such as adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening, parallelism, data management and I/O, and libraries to support such developments.